5 Questions to Ask When Researching Your Business Idea

Are you planning to start a small online business from home? If this is your first time, it’s certain that you feel such excitement that the last thing you’d want to do is relax. You want that amazing business idea to launch as if there’s not enough time. But you’ve heard it time and again: If you want your business to succeed, you need to do market research. What is the importance of conducting market research? Market research benefits your business in such a way that helps you identify growth opportunities.…

Free Virtual Address: What’s the Catch?

If you’re a small business or startup on a budget, you might have considered taking advantage of one of the many free virtual addresses that have been popping up all over the Internet. Are they a good option? The simple answer is no. “The best things in life are free” does not apply to the place you choose to designate as headquarters for your business. A good virtual service provider should offer the following: Legitimate brick-and-mortar address located in an upscale business district.…

Digital Nomad + Virtual Services = Epic Digital Business

Do you fit the definition of a digital nomad? “Digital nomads are a type of people who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their life in a nomadic manner.” credit The ability to run your business while globe-trotting from one location to the next is a dream that’s been had by many, but realized by very few in days gone by. However, with the rise in affordable, quality digital services like digital offices, digital phone numbers, digital staff, and online business management software, there’s never been a better time to become a digital nomad.…

Forget Answering Machines: Use Live Phone Answering Services Instead!

  Answering machines and voicemail are so 2005! There’s really no smart reason to use either in this day and age. Why, you ask? Modern customers want to speak to an actual human being when they call a business. Machines are very informal, and usually leave callers wondering when, or if they can expect to hear back from you. Not to mention, your answering machine can’t get in touch with you when someone calls with a serious problem or other business “fire” that needs to be dealt with on your end immediately.…

5 Reasons Why Cloud Computing Should Be at The Heart of Your Business

Cloud computing broke into the IT world and changed the way normal information technology operations were run. It has become a driving revolutionary force in taking business strategies and operations to a new era. In its earliest stages, it was reserved for the big guns in business, but small to medium sized enterprises have come to learn how accessible the technology is, and have been migrating over the years. While most businesses have migrated entirely, some are opting to maintain the hybrid hosting option, prior to transferring other IT estates to the cloud.…

10 Tips For Making The Most Of Your Virtual Service Provider

The entrepreneur of a new business is often burdened with responsibilities. And more than often some of these responsibilities include improving the quality of business. As a business owner, you probably know how hard it is for a business to reach new heights. It takes time, patience and a great deal of strategy. Thankfully, technology has made it easier for business owners to handle their business. And you need to keep track of the latest developments happening in the world of business.…

Employment: What’s New for 2018?

Every year brings changes and new challenges for employers large and small; 2018 will be no different, but forewarned is forearmed, so here are some of the big changes to look out for. As ever, if you’re worried or unsure about changes to employment law, then get in touch with experts like elliswhittam for help and advice. Data protection changes The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation will be enshrined in UK law on May 25 2018. This new legislation builds on existing UK data protection laws and puts more obligations on organisations which hold data on individuals.…

Is Your Business Throwing Money Away?

Read any small business publication or website, and you will see article after article about what a competitive world we are operating in, how only the fittest and leanest businesses will survive and that 80 percent of start ups – or some say even more – are doomed to crash and burn in their first 18 months. While the 80, or even 85, percent figure is often quoted, there is uncertainty as to exactly where the number comes from. What is beyond doubt, however, is that the single biggest threat to a business’s survival comes down to four little letters: C-a-s-h.…

3 Low-Cost Options for Keeping Your Employees Healthy

Healthy workers tend to be happy workers with studies showing that those employees who take advantage of health programs offered in the workplace are far more likely to be satisfied and engaged with their jobs. If you want to improve the health of your team, you need not invest in a gymnasium in the basement of your building. There are many low-cost options you can use to boost the health of your team and in doing so, boost the effectiveness of your enterprise.…

3 Steps to Creating an Engaging Presentation

In every job, especially in the realm of business, employees will likely be required or asked to give a presentation to customers, clients, or partners. Planning for any type of public-speaking engagement—whether it is a conference presentation or a public lecture—can be stressful and bring about undue amounts of anxiety. No matter the amount of preparation you do, it is challenging to simultaneously be articulate, engaging, and informational. Fortunately, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that you are prepared for the presentation and are able to effectively deliver it to your audience.…