Are You Wasting Your Data? Tips For Small Businesses To Utilise Your Biggest Resource

It’s 2017, the year of virtual reality and the iPhone number something or other. You can find a dog, house, car or yacht online and buy it. You can use your cell phone to tell celebrities exactly what you thought of their last film, or let a company know that it isn’t okay they messed up your order and haven’t answered your emails. Technology is permanently incorporated into our everyday lives, and that technology is spewing out data faster than we can upload our latest witty tweet and be irritated that only two people liked it.…

Business Insight: United States Banks and Debt Collection

Collection Compliance and Consumer Protections Ensured by Bank Collection Due to the system of debt and repayment on which the majority of the banking system is based, debt collection has grown into a vital aspect of the financial industry. However, it isn’t an easy task to collect delinquent debts, especially when the standard initial practices of collection letters and phone calls don’t deliver results. There are a number of collection laws that must be followed in order to prevent legal consequences, and more strict regulations have recently been put into place that further complicate the practice of debt collection for banks.…

Serviced Offices: A Checklist for Finding the Right One for You

Serviced offices provide a solution to this problem, allowing businesses of any size to establish their presence in the capital. In fact, the number of businesses using serviced offices in London has more than tripled in recent years; more than any other region in the UK. So, how do you find the right office? With a staggering 100 million businesses launched around the world each year, according to figures from GEM Global Report. That equates to 11,000 new businesses every hour and three every second.…

How to Fit an Online Degree Program into Your Schedule

As a business owner you’re a busy person, and even though you might be interested in getting some new qualifications, you’re not sure that you could spare the time to study. But you have more time available to you than you think, and by implementing some simple procedures you can capture otherwise wasted time and use it to study for a qualification like a masters in social work online from a top university like Rutgers Online, or for any one of the hundreds of other accredited degree programs that colleges now offer.…

Bad Habits You Need to Eliminate From Your Daily Routine

We’ve all got those bad habits that we fall victim to at one time or another, but what about those bad habits that are currently embedded in your daily routine. They may not seem huge when you think about them, but when they take place on a daily basis they are bound to start having an overall negative effect. And yes, it can happen to you in any parts of your life: relationship, work, study, and so on. Whether you are on it for an MBA degree online from Washington State University, or struggling to cope in the corporate world, it’s important to eliminate those bad habits so that your work and personal life go that much smoother.…

Things to Think About When Going Self-employed

In the UK, self employment is at its highest level since records began almost 40 years ago. Some analysts have suggested this trend has come about in response to an economic slump, which has caused the number of traditional employee jobs to fall or flatline across the country. For many, the flexibility and freedom of self-employment are the key draws. Whatever the reason you are thinking of turning to self-employment, here are the things you should always bear in mind before you settle on your decision.…

4 Great Careers in Finance besides CEO

Wall Street CEO’s are notorious for raking in thousands in yearly bonuses. However, CEOs aren’t the only ones rolling in the dough. Many lucrative positions in finance have made their appearance in over the course of the last few years due to recent innovations in the field. This has opened many positions to people who would otherwise have to compete for the limited amount of CEO positions available. In this article, we’re going to explore four great finance career choices besides CEO.…

PPI Claims: How to Make Yours Before It’s Too Late

If you’re a loan borrower in the United Kingdom, you may have been coerced or unknowingly made to purchase payment protection insurance (PPI) on those loans. Some 40% of borrowers who have PPI coverage don’t even know about it. This isn’t just a recent problem either – ppi claims have been surging in to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since the early 1990s. It appears there’s no end in sight, with billions in potential claims still looming large. A survey from a few years ago by the UK’s consumer rights organisation, Which?…

Marketing Tips for New and Emerging Fashion Brands

With so many new and emerging fashion brands on the market today, it’s important to find ways to stand out in order to grow your customer base. Luckily, there’s a number of marketing strategies that work perfectly for those in the fashion industry. Here’s a list of marketing tips and tricks you should use to help reach your target markets. Create a fashion-related newsletter The newsletter should feature information about the products that you’re fashion brand sells as well as any information about upcoming events.…

Why Selfie Frames are a Big Hit in Events?

Selfie frames are now equally trending in business and family gatherings. These inexpensive and entertaining props can add to the liveliness of any event. People find them economical and easy to handle, so use them frequently in parties and business gatherings. But exactly why are these selfie frames a big hit? The commercial printing company, Where The Trade Buys, throws some light on it. Selfie Frames Can Be Used at Any Event The flexible nature of selfie frames allows it to rock both family and business events.…