6 Key Tips for Improving Your Team’s Customer Service Skills

In business nowadays, the make or break factor to your success is the experience you’re providing to your customers. You could nail every single other aspect of your business, but if your customers aren’t happy, they won’t be coming back to you, and word of mouth about bad experiences travels fast. This is why it’s essential for your business to be proactive in providing the very best experience it can, which means brushing up on your team’s customer service skills. Today, we’re going to detail six vital tips you can use to improve their skills and ultimately enhance the success of your business.…

6 Tips for Setting Up a Productive Company Meeting

Probably, you are one of the victims of long and boring meetings. In the end, you say to yourself, “what a waste of time. At least I could have stayed at my business and landed some awesome clients.” Honestly, you are not alone. Others have experienced the same. And the issue isn’t that the people who attend the meeting are boring. It’s just that there was no strategic plan that was laid down before the meeting was commenced. Fortunately, you can make your business meeting a success, and you don’t have to be perfect.…

Tips for Starting Your Own Security Business

We might live in a more secure and safer world than ever before, but that doesn’t stop businesses and people looking for ways to keep their properties and interests safe from robberies, violence, and other crimes. Security concerns seem to be rising, and more and more business opportunities are opening up for a smart entrepreneur who wants to start a security firm. Anyone thinking about starting this kind of business needs to be aware that it’s not always easy, and you’ll face fierce competition.…

5 Facets of Contract Management to Prioritize – and Why

Successful contract management isn’t always easy, especially when you hold multiple contracts with the same vendor. But, if you want your business to succeed, your employees to stay happy, and your client relationships to continue, then strong contract management is a must. Fortunately, the days of sticking paper copies of contracts into a filing cabinet are behind us. And it’s a good thing, too, because it’s so much easier to keep track of important details of your contracts, such as expiration dates and mutual obligations, when you can use software to help you.…

How to Run a Successful Healthcare Business

Healthcare businesses can be complex to manage. Thanks to constant policy changes and new legalizations being made official on an ongoing basis, as the owner of such a business, you’ll have an array of different challenges to face day in, day out. Throw in the fact that new diseases and illnesses are always liable to rear their ugly heads, and everything about running this kind of company gets ten times harder. Running a healthcare business — a successful one, at that — is not an impossible task, though.…

3 Things You Should Know About Company Credit Cards

When used with sense and care, credit cards can be very useful tools. And their popularity is easily understood. So long as users pay off their debt on time, they stand to benefit from this device. And so, many people choose this financial option. And this doesn’t just apply to individuals. Across the world, credit cards have helped companies to grow. But how, exactly? To find out, we answer three commonly-asked questions. How do I get one? Have you ever applied for a personal credit card?…

Ways Pubs, Bars, and Restaurants are Changing to Stay Trendy

It’s been a difficult time for the ‘going out’ industry of late. The fact is, many people are choosing to stay in these days, whether it’s for family or financial reasons, or simply because we are more time-starved than ever before. It’s a problem that has impacted pubs in particular, with 12,450 pubs closing in the UK between the year 2000 and 2017. One of the main reasons cited is cheap supermarket booze. With drink and food available cheaper in the shops to take home, having friends around seems like the easier and cheaper option.…

How to Get Ahead in Your Engineering Career

When you’ve been an engineer in someone else’s company for a while, worked hard, been a great team player and learned as much technical knowledge as you can, it’s natural to start to think about the next steps. If you’ve been in the same position for a while and you feel like you’re ready for more, you’ll need to prove your worth to your peers. Expanding and deepening your engineering skills and knowledge is obviously going to be key, but there are other less obvious ways to increase your chances of career advancement and broaden your professional horizons.…

Employers Need to Cater for The Older Worker: 3 Ways to Do it

The 2016 census had revealed, that 1 in 5 Canadians aged 65 and over were reported to be working during the year of 2015. This statistic translates to almost 1.1 million individuals and is the highest proportion that has been recorded since the 1981 Census. On top of this, an estimated 30 per cent of the seniors who said they worked in 2015 also acknowledged that they did so on a full-time basis across the entire year. If you run a business in Canada, then it is very likely that you’ll have a least one older employee within your workplace.…

6 Ways Statistics Can Transform a Business

Statistics and data science are transforming the world not just in business, but in artificial intelligence, healthcare research, politics, and even sports. Companies which are recognizing the value of data science to identify and analyze their business’ performance can access the information they need to understand where they’ve been, where they are and where they should be headed. In short, a solid understanding of data science and statistical analysis is crucial to businesses in any industry. If you’re not using it, you should be investing time and money into learning more about it as it has the potential to change the way we conduct business for the better.…