Why Conscious Capitalism is The Key to The Future

The business environment of the last five years has been challenging to say the least. The Great Recession has sent many people and businesses into bankruptcy. Consumer confidence is down, spending is down, and many industries are in transition, the victims of changing technology and a softening market place. And yet there are some silver linings: the stock market is at an all-time high; many innovative companies are challenging established paradigms and attaining record profitability; the housing market and consumer spending are slowing bouncing back.…

Manage Your Time Better with These Small Business Applications

If you are one of the 22 million small businesses in the U.S., you’re always looking to do more in less time. Whenever you can save time doing routine tasks, you have more time for the important things, like planning and forecasting. These apps will save you time and often give you more visibility into how your business is performing. Working with the cloud Forbes sees cloud computing as a must-have for future business success. This technology was once restricted to large corporations because of cost.…

From Ecommerce to Bricks and Mortar

With the advent of the internet, it’s easier than ever for small businesses to start up their shop. Given that there’s now no need to buy or rent a physical, brick and mortar shop to start a business, ecommerce had allowed many companies to start up in the world of the internet by offering their products to a wider audience without the costs usually associated with starting up. The state of things Given the state of the economy, it’s no surprise that most small businesses are nervous to branch out or prepare for growth.…

How Healthy Employees Boost Productivity

Businesses that invest in employee health programs save money by increasing productivity and decreasing absenteeism and health claims among their workers. By putting in place employee health and wellness programs and incentives, employers can reduce the number of annual preventable injuries and illnesses. These health initiatives may be used as entirely preventative measures or as an incentive and reward system for set time periods of accident and negligent–free productivity. Whether preventative or incentive, these tested health programs tend to advance the employer’s rate of production by directly improving worker morale.…

Qualities of a Good Boss

For any business to be successful, good management is vital. Some managers have seen small businesses become giant enterprises in the respective industries while others have terribly failed. Good managers possess some unique qualities, which makes them successful in handling organization resources. Effective workforce management calls for a leader who has the capacity to marshal their efforts toward the organizational goal. Depending on the leaders’ strategy to meet the organization’s goal effectively, there are good and bad bosses. This article analyses some qualities of a good boss.…

Work-Life Balance: How to Design the Perfect Home Office to Suit your Lifestyle

The way we live and work has changed quite dramatically in just one generation and now many people earn a living by working from home or do not have to commute to do their work. This is an opportunity for a better work/life balance but it also presents a challenge if you have to share the same space with your home and work needs, so a successful design for your home office is essential for it to be workable. Planning your office space Some people find working from home a very easy transition after maybe years of commuting but others find it a bit of a challenge at first when you consider all the distractions that are around you.…

Unemployment and Bankruptcy: Everything You Need to Know

The loss of a job is always a stressful situation, whether it’s through dismissal or redundancy. At this time of year, having a steady income never seems more important, but thanks to the continuing financial difficulties the UK is facing, jobs have also never felt more insecure. One of the biggest worries for those facing unemployment is the risk of bankruptcy and the fate of the family home. Homeowners naturally carry massive debts in the form of mortgages, but what will happen to your home in the unfortunate event of bankruptcy?…

Benefits of Remote Working in The Costly Capital

It’s one of the best cities on the planet to do business, but, even with a sophisticated public transport system, getting to and from any workplace in London is a challenge. During weekday mornings, arriving at work on time is a pipe dream for some. This is why a growing number of firms based in the capital are looking at letting some employees work from home instead. The end of office culture? Remote working – or working from home – is a concept which many businesses large and small are warming to.…

Important Electrical Investments For Small Business

Small businesses often have outdated mechanical systems. And,  this is something that can put small businesses at risk of losses due to problems that are associated with electrical systems. To be able to reduce losses due to electrical problems, it is important to evaluate the most important electrical investments for small business. These can be things as simple as breaker switches that help to protect electrical equipment from the damage that a power surge can cause. If you are a small business owner, there are other electrical systems that you can invest in to help you save money and reduce losses.…

Building a Sustainable Business In 2014

Businesses around the world are beginning to clearly recognize the fact that in order to survive in the future; it is important to make use of emerging green technologies. There are many reasons the preceding reason is true. Some reasons are relative to global climate change, other reasons involve health of the community at the local level and the prosperity of future generations. Modern business can no longer ignore the fact that green technology is necessary in order to function, successfully, in today’s global market.…