Finding The Best Way for Businesses to Manage Data

In the last five years, cloud computing has grown from a relatively unknown force to the backbone of a huge deal of personal and business data, although this has lead to security concerns for some. For businesses, this becomes extra tricky, as the risks of loss of theft of clients’ personal data can break an organisation. With new protocols soon to be introduced by the European Commission, it’s important for EU businesses to think carefully about how to back up and who to trust with sensitive data.…

These 3 Cloud-based Communication Platforms Are Great for Remote Teams

Large multi-national corporations might have numerous branches all around the world with different time zones. When you need to resolve a business issue in real-time, then you might try cloud-based communication platforms. These can be particularly useful when customers can respond in a matter of seconds to the latest news on Twitter using their smart phones, your business must incorporate this same technology into your work flow. Your clients expect you to be agile and on-top of all of the latest developments.…

Top Business Apps for People on the Go

If your work requires a lot of traveling and you are on the road all the time, you need to have all your business-related things ready at all times. This includes a lightweight suitcase full of already packed clothes, a laptop and/or a tablet, a phone and a phone charger and a briefcase filled with your most important documents. In addition to these, however, there is also one more thing that modern businesspeople on the go simply cannot imagine their lives without – a number of mobile apps.…

Entrepreneurship and IT – A Match Made in Heaven

According to a recent study published in the Telegraph (read more about it here), more than 8 million people living in the UK run some kind of home-based online business. They sell or buy things on the web or work as freelancers for more or less remote employers. Under the strong influence of the Internet, the entire global workforce is experiencing serious changes in the way they earn for a living and find jobs. Thanks to this trend, a new form of entrepreneurship – webpreneurship – has seen the light of the day.…

Is your Business Really Secure with your Antivirus?

Business enterprises require antivirus protection like any other home computer. Ample data of any company is available there, and if any competitor can lay their hands on it, the business would have to pull its shutters. For example, the rate at which it is procuring material for manufacturing some product, the formula of the product, the profit margin, bank balances, etc. All such sensitive information can be stolen by hackers, using malwares, viruses, worms, and Trojans. How is antivirus for business different from consumer versions?…

What Type of Hosting Should a Startup Have?

As with so many other questions you may have when first getting your business together, hosting options do not have a black and white answer. What may work for one business will not necessarily fit in well for another. So, how do you navigate the hosting minefield without putting a foot wrong? Easy, you keep on reading. The different options When you first begin to look into the different hosting options available you’ll probably be wondering what the key differences are between them all.…

6 Tools and Software Systems Every Business Owner Should Consider

Owning a business comes with its own set of challenges but there are plenty of tools and software systems available that can make it much easier. Google AdWords When it comes to websites, Google has a lot of tools and resources available for business owners. One of these resources is AdWords, which allows you to reach a high volume of potential clients through a variety of avenues across the Google platform. It is actually the highest revenue generator among all of Google’s services, which shows its strong online presence.…

Infographic: Avoid Data Loss with Backup as a Service (BaaS)

Data is the new millennium’s commodity, and the primary export of the Digital Age. We have entire industries that are now built on its retrieval and analysis, and everyone from retail titans to small business startups rely on it to some degree. As much as data can build a company, losing critical data can not only cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars, but can also damage its reputation and waste precious time in recovery attempts. How does data loss cause system downtime, and how can system downtime be mitigated?…

Avoid These Common WordPress Mistakes

Making a mistake the first time is okay. Not learning from that mistake isn’t okay, though. Here are some common WordPress mistakes that other people have made so you don’t have to. If you’re currently making these mistakes, now’s your chance to fix them! 1. Using the wrong WordPress platform You can opt for either or The former is best for beginners who don’t want to bother coding and who aren’t too worried about monetizing their blog quite yet.…

7 Gadgets To Maximise Your Brain’s Potential

In the 21st century the pen is truly mightier than the sword. Knowledge can unlock so many possibilities in today’s world that it pays to invest in products that can boost your brain power. These 7 gadgets won’t get you automatic membership to Mensa, but they’ll certainly make realising your potential a little easier. Bose QuietComfort 20i If you’re working on something that requires all your attention, the faintest of noises can prove to be a distraction. Whether it is office chitchat or the hushed whispers of other students in the library, there are times when you’ll just want a bit of silence.…