Why Should You Use Open Source Software? (Infographic)

In recent years, open source software has exploded into prominence. In 1998, only 10 percent of businesses made use of open source software. By 2011, that figure had grown to 50 percent. Today, the percentage is even higher; nearly 80 percent of businesses use open source software. When you consider the myriad benefits of such programs, it is easy to see why they are used so widely. Not only are they free, but they are also functional. Did you know that WordPress is an open source platform?…

How Your Organization Can Benefit from Tracking Database Changes

For enterprises these days, taking real-time data and harnessing them for valuable insights is a key process. Data replication tools and software make this possible without disrupting business operations and the incoming flow of fresh data. It is a different way of dealing with data compared to traditional methods. Consider that your business has a mobile application whose community of users is exponentially growing. The wise thing to do is to collect as much available data as you can in order to come up with actionable points for improving your service and growing the business further.…

Fleet Management Has Been Forever Changed By Mobile Apps

  Fleet management was once an exceptionally difficult prospect for many reasons, especially before any sort of technology was added to the mix. When the wheel was first invented thousands of years ago, it introduced an entirely new method of handling large loads. A set of four wheels controlled by one man can easily transport much more than even 100 men could transport without the aid of wheels. There were other major developments during the life of the fleet management industry, but the advanced technology of the modern world has once again reshaped the fleet management industry.…

Discourage Theft and Secure Computer Peripherals

With all of the different types of computer and phone adapters needed to achieve seamless use of the technology that surrounds us in our day to day lives, it’s important to make sure that your pricey equipment stays where you need it, and doesn’t disappear. Many have had the stomach wrenching realization that an item essential to our work has gone missing Around offices, classrooms, and other public places, it’s not always easy to keep an eye on your adapters, and it’s a pain to constantly need to unplug them, carry them around with you, and then fumble to find the right port to plug them back in to in order to avoid theft.…

The Top WordPress Hosting Services for 2017 Startups

These days, it’s near impossible to do business without some sort of online presence. An attractive, user-friendly website can make or break a new company. When people are looking for goods or services, the first place they usually turn to is a site such as Google, Yelp, or Facebook for recommendations. Without an online presence, startups often miss out on valuable opportunities that can help them to grow their business. Luckily, modern entrepreneurs don’t have to be a coding expert to set up a professional-looking website.…

A Basic Guide to Business Computer Networks

The advancement of technology has made it possible for smaller businesses to compete on a more level playing field with large corporations. In order to take full advantage of all the technological tools available, you need to have an effective and secure computer network. These come in many different forms to serve the widely varying needs of businesses. If you are having trouble choosing the right computer network, you can start by learning the basics of business computer networking. Types of Business Computer Network If you own a very small business, having a small office and home office (SOHO) network should suffice.…

4 Easy Ways to Improve Bounce Rates

Engaging viewers with content is the purpose of almost all websites, but a high bounce rate means that while people are visiting your site, they are not being drawn in. There could be many reasons for this, some of which are easy to fix as long as they are identified. So, what can you do to improve the bounce rate of your website? 1. Maximise Mobile Accessibility In today’s world, the number of people who choose to access the internet through a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, is constantly increasing.…

Are You Wasting Your Data? Tips For Small Businesses To Utilise Your Biggest Resource

It’s 2017, the year of virtual reality and the iPhone number something or other. You can find a dog, house, car or yacht online and buy it. You can use your cell phone to tell celebrities exactly what you thought of their last film, or let a company know that it isn’t okay they messed up your order and haven’t answered your emails. Technology is permanently incorporated into our everyday lives, and that technology is spewing out data faster than we can upload our latest witty tweet and be irritated that only two people liked it.…

The Importance of Keeping Your Site Mobile Friendly

Have you ever wondered what all the fuss is about surrounding the importance of mobile-friendly websites? The use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets is on the rise, and they are becoming our favorite method of accessing the news, staying in touch with friends and family, and even hunting for deals and bargains and buying online. There is no doubt that consumers are going mobile, so if you want your business to succeed, you need to have a mobile friendly website.…

The Benefits of Cloud Computing for Your Call Center Business

The busy world of call centers is a fast-growing one. Because of the various useful services they offer, these companies are always in demand. But with new service providers emerging left and right, contact centers need innovative and efficient computing technologies to stay on top of their game. If you’re running a call center business, you need to find a feature-rich cloud-based contact center software that gives you access to various resources and applications. Such software are fast becoming a favored tool among growing businesses because of the efficiency and convenience they provide.…