Should You Go the Outsourcing Way?

The desire to do everything on your own, where you are always ready for a challenge and get the result you want in your way, can backfire at times. This usually happens when you take on tasks that are out of your realm of expertise, or ones that take time you can spend more productively. In 2017, the global outsourcing market accounted for $88.9 billion. So, should you become a part of it and will it work well for your business?…

Top Tips for Getting a Commercial Property (Infographic)

Looking to start investing into a commercial property or adding to your current portfolio? Before you buy you should know the difference between what you need to have in this property, and what you’d like on this property. This will help separate the good properties from the bad as getting what you need rather than what you want is of great importance. This coincides with working out your budget, as the more you want from a property, usually means the more you will have to pay for it.…

Beat the January Blues with These Top 5 Productivity Tips!

After a relaxing and fun filled break for Christmas, it can be hard to find the motivation to get back into work mode. Productivity may take a dip at the beginning of the month as many of us try to get back into the rhythm of early mornings and long working days. However, there are plenty of ways to regain the motivation to complete your day-to-day work and see your productivity sky rocket all through January. To help you through, our friends at Accelerate Places, leading provider of co-working spaces, have put together these top 5 tips to boost productivity and beat the January blues!…

10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Telephone Answering Service

Sometimes you and your staff won’t be available to take every call. After all, you have a business to run and your staff can’t work 24/7. Smaller businesses may not have the resources to have a dedicated employee manning the phones all day either. In many cases, hiring Virtual Answering Services is the only smart way to ensure a customer in need never goes without help, or that other important (timely) calls aren’t missed. Here are 10 ways to get the most out of your telephone answering service: 1.…

Running Your Business Virtually: How to Make it Happen

Do you think a virtual environment is right for your business needs? Going virtual might just be one of the best decisions you ever make for running your modern business. From a virtual office, to a team of skilled virtual workers; there are limitless options for running a cloud-based business when you leverage the latest and greatest technology to your advantage. Cost savings are often the biggest motivator for entrepreneurs looking to shift to a virtual business environment. However, it’s important to consider the global mobility you’ll be afforded too, when you can run your business from anywhere using a smart device or laptop.…

The Ultimate Guide to Being Your Own Boss

  If you’ve decided to start your own business, you might be wondering how you’ll navigate the confusing world of entrepreneurship and step out on your own. How will you manage your time, and how much money will you need to get your ideas off the ground? There are big decisions to make, but the more research you put into your venture, the higher your chances of success. So, whether you’re ready to quit your day job and work for yourself full-time, or you’re launching a start-up on the side, there are several things you need to know about being your own boss.…

The Ultimate Guide to Competitive Analysis

What’s the point of digital marketing, or any marketing at all? It can be many things, however, We can argue that, above all, it is about beating your competition. So, as the old saying goes: before we can beat our enemies, We should first know our enemies. In the professional world, we call this part: ‘competitive analysis’, and that will be our focus of discussion today. In its essence, the competitive analysis might seem like a fairly simple task: find out What your competitor is doing, figure out a countermeasure, and when you can’t beat them, you might opt to join them.…

The Guide to a Happy Office (Infographic)

Keeping everything under control in an office can be hard work. As your business begins to grow, so will your team, and with this comes great responsibility. The first hurdle that you need to cross is finding an office which is in a location which works well for all employees and clients (should they need to visit you). This can be quite the challenge, as all businesses are usually striving for a spot in a location with easy access to public transport.…

Business Vehicles – Should You Lease or Buy?

  It is funny how ingrained certain ideas become in our minds on the basis of minimal information. If you are looking for a place to live, it is better to buy than to rent. If you want a car for personal use, it’s best to pay cash. And if you are getting a vehicle for business, it is lease all the way. This last point, in particular, is an interesting one. Lease deals are rapidly becoming all the rage, both for business and personal vehicles.…