Employment: What’s New for 2018?

Every year brings changes and new challenges for employers large and small; 2018 will be no different, but forewarned is forearmed, so here are some of the big changes to look out for. As ever, if you’re worried or unsure about changes to employment law, then get in touch with experts like elliswhittam for help and advice. Data protection changes The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation will be enshrined in UK law on May 25 2018. This new legislation builds on existing UK data protection laws and puts more obligations on organisations which hold data on individuals.…

Is Your Business Throwing Money Away?

Read any small business publication or website, and you will see article after article about what a competitive world we are operating in, how only the fittest and leanest businesses will survive and that 80 percent of start ups – or some say even more – are doomed to crash and burn in their first 18 months. While the 80, or even 85, percent figure is often quoted, there is uncertainty as to exactly where the number comes from. What is beyond doubt, however, is that the single biggest threat to a business’s survival comes down to four little letters: C-a-s-h.…

3 Low-Cost Options for Keeping Your Employees Healthy

Healthy workers tend to be happy workers with studies showing that those employees who take advantage of health programs offered in the workplace are far more likely to be satisfied and engaged with their jobs. If you want to improve the health of your team, you need not invest in a gymnasium in the basement of your building. There are many low-cost options you can use to boost the health of your team and in doing so, boost the effectiveness of your enterprise.…

3 Steps to Creating an Engaging Presentation

In every job, especially in the realm of business, employees will likely be required or asked to give a presentation to customers, clients, or partners. Planning for any type of public-speaking engagement—whether it is a conference presentation or a public lecture—can be stressful and bring about undue amounts of anxiety. No matter the amount of preparation you do, it is challenging to simultaneously be articulate, engaging, and informational. Fortunately, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that you are prepared for the presentation and are able to effectively deliver it to your audience.…

How to Easily Avoid Billing Problems with Clients

Every business will want to enjoy a long-lasting relationship with their clients; after all, it’s proven that retaining clients is more cost-effective than finding new ones. Keeping your clients happy is, therefore, a crucial element of curating a successful business, and all matters need to be taken seriously, especially when it comes to billing them. Fortunately, there are tactics and technologies you can use to handle the request with grace. Find out how to avoid billing problems with clients. Introduce a Late Payment Policy Avoid late payments by introducing a late payment policy, which will encourage clients to pay a bill once the work is complete immediately.…

What to Do When You’re Not Getting Payment from a Client

We are all well aware that some clients are more willing to pay for your services than others. However, some clients don’t pay their bills/ invoices, and this is a huger problem many SME’s face regularly. Why does this happen? Why do clients continue to not pay their invoices? Having a client not paying can be very frustrating, however you need to be sure you take the correct procedures in order to deal with this client, and ensure this doesn’t happen again.…

Should You Go the Outsourcing Way?

The desire to do everything on your own, where you are always ready for a challenge and get the result you want in your way, can backfire at times. This usually happens when you take on tasks that are out of your realm of expertise, or ones that take time you can spend more productively. In 2017, the global outsourcing market accounted for $88.9 billion. So, should you become a part of it and will it work well for your business?…

Top Tips for Getting a Commercial Property (Infographic)

Looking to start investing into a commercial property or adding to your current portfolio? Before you buy you should know the difference between what you need to have in this property, and what you’d like on this property. This will help separate the good properties from the bad as getting what you need rather than what you want is of great importance. This coincides with working out your budget, as the more you want from a property, usually means the more you will have to pay for it.…

Beat the January Blues with These Top 5 Productivity Tips!

After a relaxing and fun filled break for Christmas, it can be hard to find the motivation to get back into work mode. Productivity may take a dip at the beginning of the month as many of us try to get back into the rhythm of early mornings and long working days. However, there are plenty of ways to regain the motivation to complete your day-to-day work and see your productivity sky rocket all through January. To help you through, our friends at Accelerate Places, leading provider of co-working spaces, have put together these top 5 tips to boost productivity and beat the January blues!…