Covering Your Bases: 3 Situations in Which You Might Get Sued as an Engineer or an Architect

Some construction defects occur while homes or commercial buildings are being built, and it is usually clear that the liability for these building errors falls on one or more contractors or subcontractors. Builders are usually held responsible for any defects that occur during the construction phase, especially if the work has not been conducted according to the designer’s specifications. Contractors aren’t the only ones who have to worry about liability, though. Read on to find out about three situations in which architects or engineers may also face legal liability for negligence or professional malpractice.…

4 Financial Tips for Dealing with Unexpected Job Loss

Learning you’re going to lose your job can be a major blow; one that can trigger a tidal wave of financial anxiety. However, this is an event that happens to many Americans for one reason or another, and it’s not always their fault. Case in point: Few predicted the trajectory of the coronavirus and the impact it would have on not only the health of Americans, but the employment status. As one expert predicts for the New York Times, the jobless rate for March 2020 may have reached approximately 13 percent — the highest level of unemployment since the Great Depression.…

5 Ways to Improve Online Sales With Great Images

Great images are vibrant and topical. They feature engaging subject matter in a clear, high-definition composition. Webpages look bland and boring without high-quality imagery to complement the text. Compelling photos will encourage viewers to stay on your website, explore your content, and consider your products. The best images are original and relevant. These images give your viewers something interesting to consume and ponder. When used properly, your images can become the critical factor that converts visitors into buyers. Use the following tips to boost sales with your photos.…

Moving up the Ladder: 3 Useful Career Progression Strategies

While it’s easy to find plenty of advice aimed at people looking for a job, making sure that you don’t start to stagnate in your professional development once you land the job you want is the key to having a successful career. Whether you’ve landed a position within your dream field and want to expand your skills to work your way up in the company you’re currently at; you can use these three strategies to progress your career. First, define what success looks like to you Everyone has their own definition of what success is to them, and while the typical vision of a corner office and an executive role may be exactly what some people want, it doesn’t have to be the only path.…

5 Restaurant Technology Trends Not to Miss

In the last few years, the world has made tremendous progress in the field of technology. Every industry is leveraging its benefits, and the food and beverage industry is booming. From gathering and analyzing the big data to understand the behavior of diners to streamlining the entire restaurant operation management, technology has been a big influencer in the restaurant business. f you’re a restaurant business owner and wish to take your business to the next level and offer a personalized diner experience, you need to make friends with technology.…

5 Tips for Promoting Globalization in the Workplace

Globalization affects the workplace in more ways than one. Businessmen, for instance, feel the pressure to broaden their knowledge by studying business international relations and the political economy. Employees, on the other hand, work on improving their skills to be more competitive in the globalized economy. In this article, we’ll talk more about how to embrace globalization in your workplace. Increase Cultural Diversity To promote globalization, management must increase cultural diversity in the workplace. This necessitates the need to look at the hiring practices and make sure that there is no discrimination.…

Running Your Pandemic-Stricken Business from Home: Why Hiring a Virtual Receptionist Make Sense

With so many countries across the world struck by the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the businesses have currently started working from home. While this is a good way to prevent a large number of individuals congregating in one area, there are also various challenges associated with this that can affect a business. Working from Home is Challenging! It sounds easy, but in reality, it isn’t so; working from home is challenging, indeed. Some of the most typical challenges are as follow.…

The Best Way Forward: 4 Compelling Reasons Why Cloud-Based Technology is Right for Your Business

No matter how large or small your business is, every company has the same goal: to turn as much of a profit as possible. Cloud-based technology has made this goal possible for today’s business owners now more than ever. With innovative cloud-based alternatives, you can cut overhead while still ensuring quality products, increase productivity, and so much more. In fact, these 4 reasons state compelling arguments as to why cloud-based technology and your business are the perfect fit. 4 Benefits of Cloud-Based Technology Whether your end game is saving money or making your programs easily accessible from remote locations, cloud-based technology is a smart choice.…

Working from Home: How to Secure your Home Network

The COVID-19 pandemic is real. But instead of living in anxiety and feeling depressed, we need to make the most of the situation. For example, the situation has provided us with the opportunity to stay home – and focus on what’s important. Indeed, many countries from around the world are in a near-complete shutdown at present to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. At this crossroads, in addition to finding valuable time for our family, most of us tend to spend a lot of our time on the Internet.…

Could Workplace Stress Levels be Reduced by The Power of Technology?

Whilst too much time in front of our screens can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, technology can also have positive outcomes on our mental wellbeing too. Many us will be familiar and fond of clever apps like Headspace, Calm and Stop, Breathe & Think which can offer support with a number of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. The biggest cause of stress amongst UK adults is their place of work, as revealed by studies from Perkbox.…