How Your Small Business Productivity can Survive March Madness 2013

March Madness causes, well, madness for small businesses – especially those in the US. As one of the most popular annual sporting events in the US, the college basketball tournament is attracting 57 million viewers back in 2012, and we can expect similar figure this year. It’s all so exciting – but the problem is, it causes major disruption in business productivity, which eventually will affect your bottom line. So, how your small biz can survive through the 4-week tournament? College basketball is hot in the US – it’s the third most popular sporting event in the US – right after the Superbowl (American football) and NBA Finals (basketball.)…

How Continuous Learning Saves My Business and Entrepreneurial Journey

I am always intrigued in the philosophy of Kaizen or continuous improvement. Specifically, I embrace continuous learning. Lucky me – doing so has saved me from the consequences of my failure in franchising – and has led me to an exciting and lucrative world of online business. Read on. When thinking about failure, the first thing that jumps out of your mind is all bad; gloom and doom; hopelessness and lose of hope. But if you asked me, I will always be enthusiastic in sharing my story about my big failure in franchising.…

Visualead Turns Ugly QR Codes Attractive: Powerful Small Business Marketing Tool!

I’m sure you have seen it; ugly boxy, pixelated piece of image regularly found in black and white. The image is called QR code – an emerging tool to deliver your marketing message (or merely your contact details.) Some designers are trying to make such image cool – even transform one into a piece of art, but that’s not easy to do especially for small businesses who can’t afford to hire one. But in 2013, there is a startup that sees the gap in the market – and launches a powerful tool that makes ugly QR codes pretty: Meet Visualead.…

Top 10 Pinterest Infographics for Small Business Owners

Have you heard about Pinterest? Did you know that Pinterest is now the number three most popular social network in the US? With a strong growth and presence – not only in the US but also worldwide – we simply can’t ignore the fact that Pinterest is here to stay – and keep making a strong impact for small business. So, are you ready to learn more about Pinterest? Well, just read on 🙂 We all know that small business owners seem to be reluctant in adoption social media for their businesses’ benefits, but hey – we are gradually embracing social media at least for one major reason: We are realizing that social media is the whereabouts of our customers and prospects.…

Inbound Marketing Lessons from Death Star Kickstarter Project

Inbound Marketing is all about creating content people love, in such a way that more people will go to your business website and buy from you/sign up with your newsletter or any other goals as web traffic conversion you may have. Have you ever wondered whether Kickstarter can offer your startup/small business “residual” impacts? Find out how from this yet-another-example of how being quirky is good for your Inbound Marketing efforts: How about crowdfunding a Death Star? What is a Death Star?…

Phenomenal: Veronica Mars Movie Kickstarter Project has Raised $3 Million in Just 2 Days

Yep – we have entered the new age of crowdfunding. Sure, crowdfunding has been around for some time, but the Veronica Mars Movie Project, was launched on Kickstarter on March 13, 2013 and has raised over $3 million in just 2 days, has set the new bar – and silence naysayers who insist that crowdfunding is a fad. Ready to journey into the phenomenon? Read on. The media buzzes that the movie will pioneer a new era of movie development. “What about it?,”…

Help – I am Having a Social Media Burnout!

Ah, social media… the new hangout place for individuals and businesses alike. It’s fun, engaging and often weird; but regardless of all the ‘upsides’ of social media, I just can’t stand it anymore: I’m having a social media burnout! I am not a highly sociable person; my personal Facebook account was so, so quiet. Twitter? I don’t actually have a personal account! The problem is, in my line of business, I was supposed to have many social media accounts – mostly for business purpose.…

Top 5 Air New Zealand’s Safety Videos: Smart Brand Marketing Campaign in Action

Kia Ora! Want some inspirations in how to do proper brand marketing for your small business via videos? Learn from Air New Zealand, NZ’s national airline and flag carrier. Their reputation is world-known – it’s probably due to their infamous, far-from-boring flight safety videos, worth talking on socialsphere. If you are not sure about what I am talking about, I recommend you to view these videos and decide yourself whether they deserve Air New Zealand’s YouTube Channel‘s 13,000+ subscribers and 23,000,000+ video views or not… 1.…

What a Smartphone and QR Code can Offer Your Retail Store: Learn from Homeplus Virtual Store

Okay, okay – you might answer “it’s easy, you moron! Scan a QR Code and you’ll get the retail store’s contact info, web address or special promo” Well, you are right – but that’s what MOST stores incorporating QR codes do. Homeplus is an example of a company which takes things a few steps further (or closer?) Read on to find out… If you want breakthrough to your small business, you should go for the mainstream ways. You should do things differently.…

Why You should Have a Mobile App for Your Small Business and How to Build One

As a small business owner, you should always find a way to make your business easier to be found by customers. One of the best ways to do it is via a mobile app developed specifically for your small biz. Sure, brochures, flyers, and swags still work out pretty well, but they are somewhat losing their effectiveness. Why? Because the trends say that you need to deliver your messages in the most convenient ways for your customers and prospects. Having a website is a must.…