Small Business, Big Impact: Why Small Biz Rules?

I just left a comment on an interesting discussion on LinkedIn. Here’s the big question raised in the discussion: Is the term “small business” degrading? Why small biz owners make a fuss over the term and why I finally leave a comment on the discussion, although I didn’t have the intention in doing so, initially? I’ve written about this several years ago on my other small business blog, and I just realized how time has changed my mindset and perspective. I was considering the term small business to be degrading.…

20 Small Business Survey Results You Should Be Aware Of In 2013

I love stats, particularly survey results and research findings. Let’s just say I am a geek when it comes to stats. Not because I like number-crunching activities, but it’s because stats can give us a general idea on the trends; where things are heading and which things we should be aware of throughout the year – including biz opportunities emerging from the trends. With regard to small business, there are some mix feelings toward it: Some are pessimistic – and the survey results show; some are optimistic – and, again, the survey results show.…

Don’t Take Things for Granted and be Grateful for Your Business

Do you appreciate the success you enjoy right now? Are you grateful for the ups and downs you experience in your entrepreneurial journey? If you don’t, then I suggest that you should learn to be appreciative, for better or worse. Why? Read on… Do you know the worst feeling you can have when running a business? That’s right – failing. Not necessarily going out of business, but a decline in sales and market share is enough to keep you awake during the night, not mentioning occasional nightmares.…

Top 5 Social Bookmarking Sites for Small Business

Want one more tool that can help you avoiding information overload, while promoting your web pages along the way? Try social bookmarking sites. There are not many such sites for small business, but with this blog post, I would like to recommend you the best 5 I regularly use. But, why social bookmarking sites? Well, you can access a select few of articles you want to read, as well as sharing with others what you think worth-reading. If you are a small business owner, joining the right services can offer you an aggregated small business tips, ideas, tools and opportunities articles which are worth-reading (if you join the right sites that combat spams well!)…

Want to Reduce Your Small Biz Electricity Expenses? Keep Your Eyes on NanoLight!

The number one reason why I am interested in inventions is due to their problem solving nature. While many inventions are ridiculous, some are simply brilliant. One of the most recent inventions that have grabbed my attention is NanoLight: The world’s most energy efficient light bulb – most probably THE solution to your small business’ electricity cost cutting regime. Of course, there are some tech advances on light bulbs, such as Philips Hue and its crowdfunding-backed competitor, Lifx. They produce smart light bulbs that are programmable via WiFi.…

Kick Information Overload Away: How to Get Your Business Online Resources Sorted

Did you know the most unproductive things many business people do? Reading articles after articles from countless sources – just to stay ahead of the trend of the day. Don’t get me wrong – biz people NEED to tap into the industry trends. However, too much information can be counter-productive. Want an example? Me. I have a daily battle with the so-called information overload. I regularly start my day with checking emails, as most of my contacts and updates I subscribe to are coming into my email inboxes.…

The Startup Kids: What is It Like Being a Young Web Entrepreneur?

“This is the most manic depressive way you could possibly live life. You’re never having a good day. You’re either having the best day ever, or you are thinking you are about to die.” – Sam Lessin, Founder of, about being an entrepreneur There is a much-anticipated movie in March 2013, and I am looking forward for the premiere – online. It’s a fascinating documentary about some of US and Europe’s finest young web entrepreneurs – an inspiring project called The Startup Kids.…

Give Me 5 Minutes and I’ll Give You the Secret to Blogging for Your Company

It’s the truth: I’m a lousy blogger-slash-article-writer. I don’t really like writing and my words are often poorly formed. But why I blog? Why people read my blog? I have this secret that can help you establish and run a small business blog that is actually bringing in leads and clients for your company – even if you are a not a born writer/blogger. Just give me 5 minutes of your time – that’ll do 🙂 image inspired by Stickman Pushing MacBook decal.…

Get Your Startup Launched: Join the Founder Institute Startup Accelerator Program

Entrepreneurs: Want your startup launched? Let the Founder Institute accelerates the whole process – and more. This blog post can show you how the world’s largest startup accelerator can help you launch a business – Read on! Did you know the most frustrating situation in starting up a business? If you have tried to start a business and failed numerous times, you must have known the answer. Yes, most of the times, you are feeling so lonely. It feels like you are up against all odds; and it can be pretty scary out there in the business world.…

HabitRPG Improves Your Productivity in the Role Playing Game Style

Small biz owners: Are you a big fan of video games? If so, you are in luck, because there is a productivity tool that can help you in completing your goals like playing a game. Introducing, HabitRPG. HabitRPG, developed by Tyler Renelle, is a habit tracker app that treats your goals like a role playing game. If you are a video gamer, you know what a role playing game (RPG) is. Just in case you don’t know, here’s a good definition from Wikipedia: A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.…