Business Insight: United States Banks and Debt Collection

Collection Compliance and Consumer Protections Ensured by Bank Collection Due to the system of debt and repayment on which the majority of the banking system is based, debt collection has grown into a vital aspect of the financial industry. However, it isn’t an easy task to collect delinquent debts, especially when the standard initial practices of collection letters and phone calls don’t deliver results. There are a number of collection laws that must be followed in order to prevent legal consequences, and more strict regulations have recently been put into place that further complicate the practice of debt collection for banks.…

The Inside Scoop on Credit Monitoring Services

There has been a lot of media attention given lately to identity theft and the possibility of credit card fraud, and rightfully so. Credit fraud is a genuine threat and one that could have severe consequences on your life. It could seriously damage your credit score and leave you with thousands of dollars of debt that you didn’t accrue. Let’s go over everything you need to know about credit monitoring services so you can decide how to best protect your identity.…

Why Keeping Good Employee Records is Vital

It really does not matter what type of company you run, understanding its strengths and weaknesses is vital to success. Gathering relevant data about your business and interrogating it on a regular basis is by far the best way to stay informed about what is really going on in your firm. This applies to all areas of your business, not just your finances. It is not enough to just pull off a profit and loss report every month, and review it.…

ZipBooks iPhone app review

ZipBooks provides a better than decent accounting software, and better yet, it’s free. For SMEs, it’s without a doubt the best software out there right now, given its functionality and price. The ZipBooks iOS app was just announced—but is it worth downloading? The answer is yes, but it comes with some qualifiers. I’ll share what makes the app so good, and some potential drawbacks to consider. Advantages: Go-anywhere invoicing and complete business connectivity Here’s a quick list of some cool features that connect you to your work: Dashboard: The app dashboard allows you to instantly view your company’s billing & collections, revenue, customers and more.…

5 Reasons Why Business Software Keeps Costs Down and Productivity Up

Companies did business for years without enterprise software, but to be successful they needed more specific knowledge, greater numbers of employees, and a bigger time investment than many companies now have available. Enterprise software makes it possible for fewer managers and employees to get more done while enjoying an overall better understanding of how the business runs. With enterprise software, systems integrate like never before, allowing you to see in real time how the actions of one department affect the finances and success of another.…

9 Places in London your Start-Up Could Thrive

You might think, as a fledgling business owner, that renting an office in That London is far out of reach – it’s too expensive for you and it’ll never happen. However there are some pockets of cheaper office space if you’re prepared to look. You may not have the pick of the finest commercial property St James has to offer, admittedly, but you can find office space to share with like-minded companies, where you can knuckle down and grow your enterprise.…

4 Programs that Make Business Plan Writing Easier

Writing a business plan is probably the least thing an entrepreneur want to spend their time on. Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, it’s a must-do – for some major reasons: Avoiding mistakes – simply because you don’t have a proper plan Keep you focused on your goal – more logic, less emotions To keep everyone in the company on the same page To give you a road map – you’ll be lost without one. A requirement for raising capital – it’s that simple: no plan, no loans/investments   …and many more!…

Top 5 Reasons SMS Marketing is Smart for Small Business

SMS (short message service) marketing, or text marketing, is quickly becoming one of the most common and effective forms of marketing. Many small businesses have been reluctant to try it because they either don’t understand how it works, are afraid it will cost too much, or think they won’t have the time to manage it. But what we’ve learned about SMS marketing shows that it is a viable and valuable marketing option for virtually any small business or organization. Cost-effective (Cheap) Cheap can sometimes be seen as meaning of little value or worth and that isn’t what we are saying about sms marketing, that is why we choose to use the words cost-effective.…

Compare and Contrast for Maximum Exposure to your Business Website

One of the immortal phrases that still rings true when it comes to doing business in the modern world is, “You better shop around.” Nowhere is this more true than in the case of the Internet, where millions of potential customers congregate every single day in order to compare and contrast the goods and services of a growing number of suppliers. Comparing And Contrasting For The Very Best Online Deals People make use of comparison sites to determine what the very best deal is for the particular good or service they are interested in.…

How to Choose the Right Virtual Phone System?

To ensure the success of your business, you must have a seamless communication network running among your team members and customers. If you have problems with dropped calls but cannot afford to invest in expensive hardware, you should definitely consider using a virtual telephone system. What you should consider while choosing a Virtual PBX system Although several companies offer virtual phone systems, choosing the right service provider is not exactly easy. Each provider has their own strengths and specialties. This is something you need to consider before selecting a service plan or provider.…