How to do Video Marketing Like HubSpot: 4 Must-Watch Video Ads

Well, although I am not a HubSpot customer, I can recommend you to consider the solutions offered. Why? Because it is one of a few companies out there which walk the talk. HubSpot shows you the how-to in Inbound Marketing, and their 4 of many videos can act as examples of how to do it properly. Who don’t like watching online video ads and commercials shared on YouTube and Facebook? I always intrigued in how people can be that creative in creating engaging, potentially viral videos promoting products, services or causes.…

How Your Small Business Productivity can Survive March Madness 2013

March Madness causes, well, madness for small businesses – especially those in the US. As one of the most popular annual sporting events in the US, the college basketball tournament is attracting 57 million viewers back in 2012, and we can expect similar figure this year. It’s all so exciting – but the problem is, it causes major disruption in business productivity, which eventually will affect your bottom line. So, how your small biz can survive through the 4-week tournament? College basketball is hot in the US – it’s the third most popular sporting event in the US – right after the Superbowl (American football) and NBA Finals (basketball.)…

Inbound Marketing Lessons from Death Star Kickstarter Project

Inbound Marketing is all about creating content people love, in such a way that more people will go to your business website and buy from you/sign up with your newsletter or any other goals as web traffic conversion you may have. Have you ever wondered whether Kickstarter can offer your startup/small business “residual” impacts? Find out how from this yet-another-example of how being quirky is good for your Inbound Marketing efforts: How about crowdfunding a Death Star? What is a Death Star?…

Reality Check: Should My Small Business Embrace Cloud Computing?

With all the hype surrounding cloud computing, I feel the need to set things straight and help small biz owners to decide whether they are going to adopt cloud computing or not based on a well-informed decision. Are you ready to go cloud? Let’s go! Back in late-2010, I know nothing about cloud computing. I’ve heard about it for some time but I have no idea whatsoever what it is all about. So, as I am a website builder, I set up a blog on cloud computing for two purposes: To document what I’ve just discovered about cloud computing, as well as capitalizing on the fast-rising trend of cloud computing.…

4 Practical Tips for Testing Your Business Ideas

Did you know why businesses fail? No, most of the times, it’s not because their ideas suck; it’s because their market research sucks, leading to a poorly executed marketing campaign. The key to your business success is not by having a great idea; cool ideas are, well, cool, but you need to be realistic; you need to know whether there is actually a market for your cool products. This can be done via market research. The big question is, how to do idea testing effectively?…

The Secret of Running a Reputable Business Blog

Are you interested in establishing a business blog? Good for you – to me, a biz blog is one of the best web properties you can own and run. The problem is, there are thousands of good business blogs around you need to compete with. So, how to stand above the rest, even if you are not a business expert or A-list blogger? Business blogs are here to stay. I can’t understand those who say that blogs are dead. Some experts say that social media makes blogs obsolete – well, perhaps they are half-right.…

Why Employee Theft Sucks and How to Deal with It

Employee theft sucks. Small business owners all over the world know it. It’s inevitable. But there’s gotta be a way to minimize that, no? Fortunately, yes. Read on to learn what it takes to prevent employee theft. Okay, you might say, “Oh – I know about employees who steal from their employers. But my employees? Nah – they wouldn’t do it.” The truth is – whether you like it or not – most of your employees will steal from you, varies greatly in amount stolen.…

Big Brands adopt PSY’s Gangnam Style to Gain Social Media Buzz

Despite the latest issue faced by now-world-famous South Korean rapper PSY, we can’t deny the fact that his mega hit song “Gangnam Style” has taken over the world, one YouTube video view at a time (the song now has more than 900 MILLION views on YoutTube, by the way…) – and that includes the business world. The Korean Wave The economic impact of the song is also enjoyed by Korean brands, as people are becoming more aware of South Korean culture – and products.…

My Growing Startup: Should I Monetize it or Keep it Free? (Infographic Inside)

It seems like a no-brainer for the rest of us, but some business owners – especially those establishing venture capital (VC)-backed tech startups – have strong preference toward growing user base by keeping their services free of charge. So, which strategy to adopt? Should I monetize my products/services or keep them free as long as I can? While growth and innovation are typically what VCs are looking for, my profit-oriented mind is always telling me that a business is a good business if it makes money.…