How to Style for Different Interviews

You’ve probably realised that it’s hard searching for a new role. When you do get invited for an interview, they’re often short notice and soon come around — leaving you with little time to decide what to wear. Follow our top tips to find out how to dress for each type of interview: For a casual interview You could usually call an interview casual if it’s for an unpaid position or for a charity. For these interviews, it is likely that they won’t expect you to be dressed very formally, and will be more concerned with your personality, including your punctuality.…

Keep Your Business Afloat During Tough Times – Tips From The Experts

If you’re an owner of a small business and your sales are plummeting, the future may look gloomy. What steps can you take in order to survive through such tough economic times? Read on. It is sad enough to note that there is no book or guide that you can follow in order to stay afloat during tough financial times. While you can take out Northcash installment loans and utilize the proceeds to make payments towards your delinquent debts, you also have to know about the strategies that you can follow in order to stay afloat amidst the tough competition.…

How to Increase Your Email Click-Through Rate

You’ve been able to generate a super high open-rate for your email campaign. Success! Right? Not quite. The goal of most marketers is to get a high open-rate of their emails, and this is a goal that has become more and more emphasised as the email open-rate has declined over the years as the number of emails being sent has skyrocketed, and our email inboxes are literally bombarded with emails from people trying to get our attention and money. When email marketing was just a baby, open-rate wasn’t really something that people paid attention to, because the open-rates were obnoxious if you compare them to the rates that are considered “good” today.…

Achieve The Best ROI With an Effective Banner Placement Strategy

Marketing isn’t all about design: it’s also about where you place your ads. Many business owners and marketers need to consider where they will locate their printed products once they’re complete — put them in the wrong spot and your ROI could plummet! Need advice on banner placement to achieve the best ROI on your next batch of roller banners? From store window to trade show, this guide delivers the tips you need to boost your next marketing strategy. Award ceremonies Ceremonies that celebrate the best of each industry are popular and common events across the UK — and these are excellent places to promote your brand with a banner.…

6 Things You Should Get Right When Setting Up Your Business

When setting up a company, there’s a number of things you should tick off your to-do list, from registering your business name to making sure a product you’re selling has been trialed and tested. Getting these things right when starting up your business is so important. But all the effort and excitement of creating a new company can mean some important things don’t get the attention they deserve. This article looks at five things you should aim to get right when setting up your business.…

The Right Tools for the Job: Why Do They Matter?

Business equipment and the tools used in everyday operations are assets; picking them up can be considered investments that all businesses need to make in order to maintain smooth operations. For small businesses, making big investments on equipment and tools isn’t always possible due to budget constraints. When budget is an issue, most businesses will go for lower-quality, cheaper equipment and tools just to maintain operations. This is actually the wrong approach to make. Having the right tools for the job matters for several very important reasons.…

How Much is The UK Slacking on Gas Safety Checks?

Despite the rules that landlords must follow, new research has claimed that gas safety checks are slacking amongst the UK’s five million privately rented properties. And, it’s not just property owners who are in the firing line, one in five small business energy users have also been failing to schedule an annual gas safety check with could invalidate their insurance. Gas Safety are important a need to be taken serious because it’s not just about ticking the right boxes. A poorly fitted gas appliance can cause fuel leaks, fires and even explosions, as well as carbon monoxide poisoning.…

Keeping Costs Down: Here’s How

Sometimes we think with our hearts and not with our heads. Making New Year’s resolutions can often be disastrous, with 80% of people failing by February and regretting it instantly. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to cut down on spending, and although this sounds achievable, if you don’t have a fully-pledged strategy in place, the likeliness of failure spirals out of control. We understand that people can be victim to an unexpected expense — whether this is a home appliance breaking or making that third trip on a bus with only a return ticket.…

Are Our Supermarkets Causing The Food Waste Problem?

Prime Minister Theresa May recently pledged that she would put an end to plastic by 2042 in a bid to tackle the waste problem here in Britain. Iceland is one supermarket that is already preparing to make the appropriate changes to get rid of plastic from their branded products — with an aim of doing so before 2023 after 80% of their customers said they would support the change. But where do supermarkets stand on the greater issue of food waste?…

Enhance Your Corporate Events With a Selfie Frame

Looking to make your next work party or corporate event stand out? Then, why not boost staff morale, increase brand awareness and make sure that your event is unforgettable with selfie frames? The selfie frame is an essential party piece that can give your next corporate event an on-trend overhaul. Here, we’ll discuss why they’re popular and how they can benefit your next work-related occasion. Connections and interactions It’s critical to the success of your business that staff feel comfortable communicating with each other.…