It is every blogger’s dream to build enduring great blogs like Copyblogger, Problogger, Mashable, Techcrunch, Huffington Post, SmallBizTrends and many others. These sites stand out tall as the kings of whatever niche they occupy. They attract attention, they command authority and they epitomize greatness. Little wonder they are the dream of every blogger.

But what makes enduring great blogs great?
It was the great management thinker Jim Colins who first asked a similar business question to this; “what makes enduring great companies great?” He later went ahead to publish his findings along with Co-author Jerry Porras in their legendary book; “built to last“.
Well just so you know, I am not doing this to end up writing a book with a similar title; “blogs that last”. At least not for now -;)
But really, what makes enduring great blogs like Copyblogger, Problogger, Chris Brogan, Quicksprout, Lateral Action, Zen Habits, and many others in that league great?
As a budding blogger I have been pondering on this question for so long. And this is the singular question I have written this post to answer. It has been a question on my mind ever since I began blogging for business.
The Secret Ingredient of Enduring Great Blogs
Back to our opening question; what makes enduring great blogs great?
While there are many possible answers to this question. The purpose of this post is not to take you through all the tips and trips of building a great blog. The internet is overflowing with such articles. The essence of this post is to share with you ONE secret ingredient on which all other tips and tricks is dependent on.
Once you have this, all other things you would learn about building a great blog like; pillar contents, SEO, guest blogging, engagement, social media and so on will naturally fall into place.
So what is this secret of enduring great blogs?
The answer, the secret is PURPOSE.
Enduring great blogs are powered by purpose
The world indeed makes way for the man who knows exactly where he is going. The secret ingredient of enduring great blogs is purpose. Nothing differentiates and positions a blog, business, nation or an individual better than purpose.
Purpose is a clear cut reason, rationale or concept underlying the actions you take, the decisions you make and the ideas you execute. Purpose is the unseen force powering enduring great blogs.
Purpose is the answer to the most important question of a business according to the management guru of all time, Peter Drucker; “what is your business?“
Enduring great blogs have a vision.
Enduring great blogs are on a mission.
Enduring great blogs know exactly why they exist.
Enduring great blogs know exactly what they are doing.
Enduring great blogs know exactly where they are going.
Enduring great blogs know exactly what business they are into.
Enduring great blogs also know what business they are NOT into.
Enduring great blogs have a greater reason for existing beyond just making a living.
Enduring great blogs beyond their eye-catching design, ever increasing traffic and high conversion rates, are first and foremost, purpose-driven.
Enduring great blogs know that blogging is not their business, but rather a marketing tool for their business.
They don’t beat around the bush, they are not jack of all trades and they don’t do blogging for blogging sake; they blog for a reason –their audience’s sake and for business’ sake.

Purpose is the Missing Link
Enduring the burden of blogging becomes absolutely tiring without purpose. Myles Munroe was right when he declared; “When purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable“. Relating this to blogging, I would say; “when purpose is unknown, the burden of blogging becomes unbearable“.
Purpose is the essence of your blog’s existence.
Purpose is the impact you are blogging to make.
Purpose is the change you started a blog to create.
Purpose is the problem you are blogging to solve.
Purpose is the big picture behind your blog’s existence.
Purpose is the value you created a blog to add in people’s lives.
Purpose is the difference you are in the world to make through your blog.
What is the essence of your blog?
The essence of medicine is healing.
The essence of education is learning.
The essence of leadership is empowerment.
The essence of thinking is problem solving.
The essence of working is achieving results.
The Essence Of A Thing Is The Fundamental Reason Why It Exists!
Your turn
Why does your blog exist?
How are you building an enduring great blog?
What other secret ingredients have you discovered on your quest to build an enduring great blog?
Share your comments below.