Setting up a blog for your pet business can be a great addition to your online presence and consistently creating quality content is a hugely valuable asset. However, coming up with really interesting blog posts can be incredibly difficult. If you’ve got writer’s block or just don’t know where to start, try these ideas to generate fantastic content for your pet business blog:

1. Imagine your ideal customer
Your customers are the target of your blog, so why not start with them? Take note of questions from customers throughout the week and address these with blog posts offering help and advice. If your customers aren’t very forthcoming, imagine sitting down with your ideal customer, along with her pet; what questions would you ask them and what would they ask you? Taking inspiration from your customers will not only make your blog more engaging, but also offer insight into how you your run your business.
2. Write around your products and services
Think about the services your pet business provides and any products you sell or recommend. Writing a blog post about the benefits of a particular service, or how to use a product, is great fuel for your blog. This also links directly to your business, encouraging readers to become customers.
3. Pet owner forums
Joining or reading online pet owner forums takes you straight to your target audience. Keep an eye on what people are talking about or asking other pet owners and use this to create a blog post. You could even post a link to the relevant blog page on the forum, so the users will recognise you as a source of information.
4. Read pet industry websites
You can easily find the major pet industry websites by searching online; for example, “best hamster owner websites”. Their content will keep you up to date with the latest topical news, making sure you won’t miss the boat for any special days or events. You can even use their ‘how to’ tutorials as inspiration for your own. Be sure not to copy any content, but make yours unique by injecting your personality and first-hand experience.
5. Social media
Social media is a goldmine of potential blog topics. You can use your own social media channels, as well as other leading profiles, to generate incredibly fresh and relevant content. Use hashtags or Google Trends to find out which topics are trending in your business area. When writing blog posts based on trends make sure your turnaround is fast to stay relevant.
These are all helpful in generating content, but it’s also essential that you put all of your content ideas in a central place. This could be a notebook where your jot down blog titles or a spreadsheet. From this you can create a content calendar. By planning out what content you’re publishing and when, you can ensure your blog is constantly being refreshed.
About the Author: Protectivity Insurance is a leading niche small business insurance provider specialising in pet business in particular dog walking insurance.