A Guide to Using Personalisation to Capture Your Audience

These days, brands need to employ a solid strategy to secure an ample flow of footfall in their physical stores. This is mainly due to the fact that many customers have abandoned the historic weekend saunter down the high street in favour of convenient, online alternatives. Current marketing strategies must account for this change, and one of the challenges facing those at the helm of some of the retailers that we know and love, is how to regain offline market appeal.…

Breaking Out Your Social Media Rut – 6 Must-Dos for Businesses

Is your business in a social media rut? Are you struggling to reach the audiences you desperately need? Don’t despair. You’re not alone — and you’re certainly not the first. Businesses looking to break out of a social media rut do need to get serious about social media. But they don’t have to follow a cookie-cutter approach to building a multifaceted and robust social media presence. What works for your company, after all, might not work for your competitor’s. So, how should you get to work improving your social media presence?…

High-street Considerations for Elderly Shoppers

The high-street is advancing quicker than ever before, with the likes of self-service checkouts and scan-on-the-go being introduced. As a result of this, older shoppers are finding it difficult to keep up with these technical trends that are forever changing the shopping experience. A report released by Anchor has found that older people aren’t getting catered for in high street shops. With this comes a warning that if things aren’t improved, high street shops are at risk of losing up to £4.5 billion in lost trade each year by 2030.…

5 Social Media Strategy Ideas

The ubiquity of social media long ago crossed the gap away from ‘widely popular youth craze’ and is now firmly in the territory of ‘essential facet of everyday life’. In that respect it resides alongside everything from telephone numbers to credit/debit cards, and car insurance. All the sorts of things that businesses of every kind must, at the very least, acknowledge the existence of, and at most restructure their entire revenue model around it. It used to be that businesses entering this arena in a less than understanding way could just be ridiculed as being out of touch (memes such as “How do you do, fellow kids?”…

6 Ways Augmented Reality Can Help You Close More Online Sales

Selling sure has changed over the years, especially with the advent of the digital age. Today, we’re seeing the emergence of exciting new technology that’s poised to forever change the world of sales across virtually every single industry. In fact, augmented reality, also called “AR”, is already making a significant impact on the world of retails sales. As it stands, AR technology is slated to generate nearly $140 billion in sales by the year 2021. That’s a huge slice of the market, so if you’re in retail sales, now is the time to stand up and pay attention to AR.…

11 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Niche Online Store

Starting a niche online store is an excellent way to earn a living, but it’s important to remember that no two e-commerce presences are the same. All entrepreneurs who are in e-commerce have varying levels of success, based on a number of factors. When you are aware of the factors for e-commerce success and can honestly face the reality of the niche e-commerce world, then you have a much better chance of being a successful online entrepreneur. French Knot, Aussie’s premier homewares and home decor online store, shares these 11 questions you should ask yourself before starting a niche online store.…

Using a Project Management Approach to Expand Your Small Business

Growth – it is generally assumed to be the objective of any size of business. Some small business owners may disagree, citing no desire or intention to expand operations beyond what they are currently doing. While this may be true in some cases, at least in terms of physical expansion of plant or facilities, it would be difficult to find any business owner speaking against growing profits. To many small business owners, both physical growth and increased profits may seem out of reach without major additional expenditure whether it is on physical infrastructure, personnel, or marketing.…

5 Essential Steps To Creating Your First Product

Great ideas can appear in a flash of genius; it’s turning those ideas into a reality that can be challenging. The key to creating a successful first product is strategic planning, built on the foundation of knowledge and research. By following a carefully constructed, step-by-step approach to creating and then launching your first product, you’ll increase your chances of success. Here are the five essential steps to creating your first product. Step One: Define Your Product Before you can move onto creating your product, you must first define it.…

Richard Liu Qiangdong Gives Candid Interview About JD.com

JD.com is the fourth largest company in China. The company was established in 2004 by Richard Liu as an e-commerce business, although it was previously dealing with physical stores sales. For the past 15 years, Liu has stayed focused on growing this company, and as a result, it has recorded significant achievements. Currently, the company is worth over $60 billion and employs over 67,000 workers. It offers local and global delivery services to its customers. In China, the company has a fast delivery process since it only takes 6-20 hours.…

5 Business Tips and Trends to Adopt for Growing Your Business

Running a successful business in any industry and sector requires a great deal of hard work, determination, sacrifice and resilience, which will each help to make a company a hit or a miss. Of course, there are other factors that can make or break the growth of your business. That is why you must keep your ear to the ground for the latest techniques. If you want to hit every goal you have set for your new venture this year, check out the following business tips and trends.…