How Continuous Learning Saves My Business and Entrepreneurial Journey

I am always intrigued in the philosophy of Kaizen or continuous improvement. Specifically, I embrace continuous learning. Lucky me – doing so has saved me from the consequences of my failure in franchising – and has led me to an exciting and lucrative world of online business. Read on. When thinking about failure, the first thing that jumps out of your mind is all bad; gloom and doom; hopelessness and lose of hope. But if you asked me, I will always be enthusiastic in sharing my story about my big failure in franchising.…

Help – I am Having a Social Media Burnout!

Ah, social media… the new hangout place for individuals and businesses alike. It’s fun, engaging and often weird; but regardless of all the ‘upsides’ of social media, I just can’t stand it anymore: I’m having a social media burnout! I am not a highly sociable person; my personal Facebook account was so, so quiet. Twitter? I don’t actually have a personal account! The problem is, in my line of business, I was supposed to have many social media accounts – mostly for business purpose.…

Are You Preparing Yourself for Failure?

Nobody likes failing. Even the world’s most ambitious entrepreneurs don’t like failing; they do embrace failures, but successes still taste better. But how can they embrace failure? One answer: They know they have a good chance of failing; they prepare for failing. Entrepreneurship is all about failing over and over again until you find success. Entrepreneurship is all about failing enough times so that you can be successful. Another answer: They know that when they fail, they are one step closer to their goals.…

How I Failed My Authority Business Blog: 7 Lessons Learned

Failure is the best teacher. I embrace it as a part of my entrepreneurial journey, but some failures are difficult to overcome. One of them is how I single-handedly bring my authority business blog down to the ground. Lessons learned, and if you are going to build an authority business blog – or even already have an established one, be sure you read this blog post before it’s all too late. As you might have already known, Biz Penguin is not my first blog.…

Don’t Take Things for Granted and be Grateful for Your Business

Do you appreciate the success you enjoy right now? Are you grateful for the ups and downs you experience in your entrepreneurial journey? If you don’t, then I suggest that you should learn to be appreciative, for better or worse. Why? Read on… Do you know the worst feeling you can have when running a business? That’s right – failing. Not necessarily going out of business, but a decline in sales and market share is enough to keep you awake during the night, not mentioning occasional nightmares.…

The Startup Kids: What is It Like Being a Young Web Entrepreneur?

“This is the most manic depressive way you could possibly live life. You’re never having a good day. You’re either having the best day ever, or you are thinking you are about to die.” – Sam Lessin, Founder of, about being an entrepreneur There is a much-anticipated movie in March 2013, and I am looking forward for the premiere – online. It’s a fascinating documentary about some of US and Europe’s finest young web entrepreneurs – an inspiring project called The Startup Kids.…

The LEGO Success Story

To me, there is nothing more inspiring than a success story – especially the rags-to-riches stories. Here’s one of my favourite stories I would like to share you: The Lego success story. Have you heard about Lego? Sure you do. Well, if you haven’t (seriously – how come?) Lego is a worldwide popular brand of construction toys. When you see construction toys made of bricks, be sure that it’s Lego – or at least it’s inspired by Lego. Lego appeals both kids and grownups, and carving a niche where creative people young and old can enjoy the same kind of toys – this is one of a kind, really.…

Jade de Waal of FoodJams Shows you How to Create a Collaboration that Matters

What awkwardness means to you? In many business networking activities, it often means dead end. Unless you can get things interesting again, it seems that you and someone you talked to won’t get anywhere with your conversation. But for Jade de Waal, awkwardness means a different thing: It opens window of opportunities for unique, surprising collaboration. Want to learn how to do that for business collaboration? Read on! Jade de Waal is a music student (subject: Jazz) by choice. She IS naturally a cook, and going to cooking school seems the only logical way to go; but she opt for awkwardness; she went out of her comfort zone and challenge herself.…

Don’t Plan Too Much!

Help! I have many startup plans but all failed even before I actually start one… Are you an entrepreneur who is keen to start a business (or businesses) but often failed even before you actually start one? You are not alone. Many of us are having the same problem as you do – and that’s including me. Hello – I am addicted to planning. Okay – it’s different from the AA meeting, but I often get absorbed in the planning stage, and eventually fail miserably when it comes to taking action.…

Warning: Giving Up Today Will Lose You a Successful Business Tomorrow

Don’t give up! To some that sentence will boost morale; but to some others those meant nothing. If you are about to give up on your business and entrepreneurial journey, read this blog post first before you decide on anything! I involved in online business, and I do know that some of my fellow web business owners give up and sell all the web properties they have. They end up finding a job to pay the bills and live from paycheck to paycheck.…