Getting Ready For Risk Management Planning In 2020

In 2020, businesses can expect to see more changes in the tech industry. This may include social platforms, automation, and artificial intelligence, among others, which may improve convenience to daily operations and cause a business to run smarter. However, the same tech could also create new risks. In 2020 and the years ahead, more businesses will go digital, which will make the management of risks a critical task. What Is Risk Management? Risk management involves the identification of threats, the assessment of risk, and working towards reducing risks.…

4 Essential Assets Your New Cleaning Business Needs

Cleaning is a task that every person has to do. However, many people do not enjoy it or do not have the time to clean regularly. These individuals often turn to local cleaning companies for assistance. For this reason, cleaning businesses are highly lucrative, as they are in high demand and have relatively low start-up costs. Of course, one needs to be sure they have the right supplies from a trusted cleaning products supplier to start taking on clients and growing their business.…

4 Benefits of Trade Shows

Trade shows are one of the most popular traditional ways to advertise a business’ products and services. Even with advances in internet marketing technologies such as social media and video conferencing, the value and benefits of trade shows have only been enhanced. By working with reliable trade show booth companies like ExpoMarketing, businesses have managed to achieve much better results from trade shows. Below is a rundown of the top benefits associated with trade shows. 1. Create a Lasting Impression The primary purpose of trade shows is to allow business people to showcase a variety of goods and services to attendees.…

Millennial Employees: Changing the Face of Insurance Sales

Everyone seems to be talking about the new generation of millennials and how they are shaping the culture of the U.S., but few understand the far-reaching effect of a new mindset and skillset being brought to the table. A millennial generation is a group of tech-savvy individuals raised around and dependent upon the internet for almost everything. This group sees the world differently from the baby boomers and older generation, and these differences impact how they act and operate within the work environment.…

4 Key Ways to Protect Your Business From Uncertainty

If a person has been in business for decades, they understand that circumstances will change and that unforeseeable events take place. While there’s no way to know what’s going to happen in the future, a person can make smart choices and be prepared for anything that may happen. Not only is this going to offer peace of mind, but a business owner will be prepared to respond effectively and quickly when issues arise. What is the Cause of Uncertainty? As much as a business owner desires predictability and control, uncertainty is something that’s ever-present, which is why it’s so important to take steps to protect your business.…

Preserving Your Brand’s Reputation During Crisis: 3 Ways

Every business in the world has its up and downs. Be that slow sales, losing a key staff member to a competitor or receiving negative feedback, but it’s not the situation that will affect your business, it’s the way she problem is dealt with. Having some sort of contingency plan for every single possible scenario is nigh impossible but you can take steps to negate the effects of a business upset (or even disaster!) with a well-planned crisis management plan. Although you can put certain measures in places to cover any periods of unexpected sickness or a drop in profits, you cannot really be expected to have a plan in place for potentially serious issues.…

Why You Need to Manage Your Users’ Product Experience

A poor product experience can kill a product or company very quickly; that is why you need to manage this aspect of customer-company relationships from the very beginning. Managing the product experience gives you the means for directing and overseeing how the client or customer perceives your product. It may seem obvious that you should care how your product is perceived; but some large corporations may feel like they can spare a few unhappy customers here and there. Not all companies can follow this train of thought because they can’t afford to lose any customers.…

Cut Labor Costs with Time Clock Software

Punch Cards Are a Thing of the Past: Save Money with the Latest Clock-In Technology In business, an old-school approach can be very valuable—for instance, a face-to-face meeting with a client might leave a better impression than a quick phone call or email. Yet, when it comes to saving money, technology can be your friend. You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase “time is money,” and we’re about to get literal with that old adage. Whether you’re using a punch card clock, a digital time clock, or a fingerprint clock, upgrading to an online time tracking system can reduce labor costs, saving you time and money.…

How to Expand Your Business Through New Market Development

In a rapidly changing world, companies who are flexible and forward-thinking will always have an advantage. Identifying opportunities for new market development, and formulating a clear strategy to take advantage of those opportunities can give your business a significant edge – but it’s not always easy! What is new market development? In the simplest terms, market development is about getting people who currently aren’t buying from you to do so. This might mean targeting an untapped overseas market, or a different local demographic, such as reaching out to younger customers, ‘C Suite’ executives, or looking at offering franchise opportunities for budding entrepreneurs.…

The Ultimate Spring Clean – for your Business

Just like finally tackling that messy garage, basement or attic back home can leave you feeling like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders (and sometimes uncover forgotten-about treasures!) doing a physical and administrative ‘spring clean’ of your business can give you and your employees a great morale boost. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Start by brainstorming with your staff What areas in the office have become cluttered and make it difficult for your employees to find the things they’re looking for?…