4 Ways to Declutter Your Home Office to Boost Your Productivity

The days when many mothers had no choice but to go back to work after they had a baby are long gone. From publishing books on Amazon to blogging or becoming a virtual assistant, there are many options out there to still bring in money and be able to stay home with your children at the same time. However, many work-at-home moms don’t realize that productivity can reach an all-time low when the baby won’t sleep, office clutter is building up, and work is getting behind.…

Doing What It Takes to Get Ahead: 6 Ways to Increase Productivity in Your Manufacturing Facility

Productivity is the core of manufacturing. In order to reduce costs, minimize wastes, improve profits, beat the competition, and remain in operations, manufacturing firms have to look for ways to improve their productivity. Here are seven ways to increase productivity in your manufacturing facility. 1. Mobile Collaboration to Boost Productivity Collaboration and teamwork are essential to a manufacturing business, particularly because there are numerous safety standards. The firm is more productive and safer when all team members work toward achieving a single goal with minimal confusion and conflict, which are critical wasters of time.…

6 Ways to Better Optimise Your Learning Space

Optimising your learning space can help you achieve better results, whether you’re studying at school or university, or delivering tasks in the workplace. Procrastination has been estimated to cost businesses across the UK around £76 billion a year and is also seen as a main reason why we fail to learn to the best of our ability. No matter if you’re looking to learn a new skill or put the ones you’ve already been taught to good use, here’s a few tips on how to optimise your learning space and thus create a better environment to help you successfully complete your objectives… Bring some greenery into your learning space There’s so many benefits to planting some seeds around your learning space and adding greenery around the room as a result, as various studies have underlined.…

How to Reduce Business Costs in Uncertain Times

While regional economies such as Greater Manchester may have recorded robust levels of business confidence during the last quarter, the looming spectre of Brexit is continuing to place a drag on growth. This is true throughout the UK, and there’s no doubt that businesses are growing increasingly concerned as the prospect of a no-deal Brexit comes into view. The most proactive firms are taking practical steps to reduce their costs in preparation for a no-deal Brexit, however, and here are some ideas to help you cope with a volatile economic climate: Compare Energy Prices and Avoid Unnecessary Waste When looking to reduce your business’ spend, you should focus on the operational costs that accumulate over the course of the financial year.…

Are Coffee Breaks Really That Important?

Over time, the humble cup of coffee has firmly established itself as a key part of modern culture — whether you’re brewing one at home or picking one up on the go, it’s common for many of us to be holding a hot beverage more often than not. Despite the UK being widely known as a tea-loving nation, consumption of it has actually fallen by 19% since 2010, possibly due in part to a hike in coffee intake. Based on figures compiled by the British Coffee Association, at present, the British drink around 95 million cups of coffee daily; a growth of 25 million over the last ten years.…

Will Jobs in Cleaning and Hospitality Surge After Brexit?

Brexit is causing concern for many, if not all sectors across the nation. From worries about trade restrictions to uncertainty about sourcing raw materials needed for business, every sector is watching and waiting to see what will happen. But for one sector, the concern isn’t with their supply of materials required to carry out their jobs, such as disposable cutlery and kitchen equipment. For the hospitality sector, the major concern surrounds how their workforce will be impacted. One of the key factors during the EU Referendum was the view of migrant workers.…

Medical Professionals and Patients Benefit from Good Care

There are many different things that factor into the medical industry and how quality care is given to patients. It is beneficial to both industry professionals and patients when this care is effective. In some instances, this care is provided by a variety of healthcare experts at the same facility. This includes a host of doctors and nurses to ensure that patients receive the attention that they require from admission to being released. Machines, like the Welch Allyn Vital Signs Monitor, is essential to this work.…

Effective Hazardous Waste Management Guide for Businesses

As a business, when dealing with hazardous waste, it’s important that your organisation has an effective waste management solution put in place. When hazardous waste is improperly handled, it can be harmful to human health and environmental safety. Hazardous waste can be found in many forms, including solids, liquids and contained gases; in these forms, it can regularly pollute the surface of groundwater supplies. The UK government stipulates strict guidance on how to monitor and implement an effective hazardous waste solution, and together with Reconomy – hazardous waste skip hire – this guide will ensure that business’ manage these wastes appropriately.…

How to Improve Productivity in The Workplace

Procrastination can come at a great cost for businesses. According to research, procrastinating professionals can cost a company up to 36 working days each year, with texting, shopping and browsing social media during work time being top distractions. So, what exactly can be done to help boost your workforce’s productivity levels? Cliverton, specialists in insurance for dog walkers, offers the following tips: Improve office conditions Did you ever think that the temperature you set your office at can have an effect on how productive your employees are?…

How to Answer Business Calls Properly

There’s an absolute art to answering business phone calls properly. By now, most of us with any work experience at all know we can’t answer a professional call the way we would our friends and family. “Yeah, what’s up” just won’t cut it, if you’re looking to project a professional image. So, how then should business phone calls with customers be handled? Let’s dive into a few of the more important points in professional phone call answering etiquette we all need to be mindful of.…