Staff Productivity – How to Improve it?

What we wear in the workplace is something that is quite often debated and discussed. Over time, employees of varying industries have kitted themselves out with what their employers think is both practical for more industrious-based jobs and smart in client-facing jobs. But with rules and attitudes changing all the time on how we approach the way we dress our employees, how much does is affect productivity in the workplace? We explore this issue with Jermyn Street Design, suppliers of staff uniforms.…

Why You Should Order Business Checks Online And Not Through Banks

While many people have moved on and have started relying on online banking and payment wallets, businesses in the United States still depend on paper checks. As a business owner, we’d bet you already know the conveniences that come with using checks. There are many features that finance managers and business owners use that are unique to checks. They include stopping payments, post-dating them, among others. Checks also offer a quicker option when making hundreds of payments to various suppliers while keeping track of the payments.…

The Threat to Your Business: 5 Ways you Can Prevent Employee Theft

When we think of threats to business, our minds jump to financial crashes, data breaches, employee injuries and even liability losses. But did you know that employee theft is a growing issue within many businesses across the country? If left undetected, ongoing employee theft has the potential to financially crush your business and destroy everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve. So, what’s the answer? Well here we’ve gathered 5 simple ways you can prevent employee theft in your business. Supervise closely As an employer and as business owner, it’s normal for your days to be busy and find yourself in several different locations complete with a calendar that is bursting with meetings and other important tasks.…

6 Ways To Up Your Trading Game

Trading isn’t just a daily activity to generate income. It is truly a lifestyle that will teach you good habits for your life regarding managing negative emotions and lifelong learning. Practice Look for an online stock broker program that offers trading simulators. Use these simulators to become familiar with the program and its tools. They will also allow you to trade using fake money which will help you get a handle on the tools. You can usually set a starting cash value similar to what you plan to save up for to begin trading.…

How to Effectively Manage Hazardous Waste in your Business

If your company produces hazardous waste at any point, then it is your responsibility to make sure there is a viable waste management system in place to deal with it. Failure to do so can result in damage to the environment and harm to human health. Hazardous waste can be liquid, solid, sludge, or even contained gases. Whatever form it takes, there is a risk that it could contaminate groundwater and surface water supplies. This in turn can present a threat to human and environmental health.…

What Can we Expect from Advertising in the Automotive Industry?

Accounting for 12 per cent of total UK good exports, there is no denying that the automotive sector is of significant importance in regard to a stable economy. In fact, the UK automotive industry has an annual turnover of more than £82 billion, employing more than 186,000 individuals within the manufacturing process, and a further 700,000 in the wider automotive field. One specific area within the automotive industry that garners considerable investment is marketing. Although there are occasions when we are driving past a car showroom and a shiny used Ford Fiesta catches our eye, it is a rarity in 2019.…

Gaining a Career in the Snowsports Industry: Do you Have What it Takes?

Have you ever pictured yourself in a career different to the everyday office gig? Maybe you’re seeking a career change and looking for something a bit more adventurous? Planning your career path can be a headache, but maybe it doesn’t have to be; you’re chosen job role could actually involve an activity or hobby that you’re already passionate about. If we take a look at gamers for example, there are jobs such as game quality testers or even professional e-sports. This same applies for extreme sports enthusiasts, there are a range of different jobs available to satisfy the hobby, if you know where to look.…

5 Challenges You May Face with Debt Management

The first steps toward addressing your debt involves taking a hard look at your financial situation and learning more about the possible strategies available to you. This is why meeting with a credit counselor can be helpful in the early stages. These qualified professionals can help with everything from creating a budget to exploring options for debt relief. A credit counseling agency may also inform you that you’re qualified to enroll in its debt management program. If you enroll in a debt management plan (DMP), you’ll start making one monthly payment to your credit counseling agency rather than paying your creditors directly.…

5 Business Fleet’s Tyre Safety and Maintenance Tips

The safety of your business fleet is hugely dependent on your tyres. Tyres are the main contact points between the car and the road which is why a car’s grip on the road is dependent on the condition of your tyres. Therefore, it is important to constantly keep an eye on your fleet’s tyres and to regularly follow some basic tips to keep them in proper form. 1. Keeping an optimum tyre pressure The optimum tyre pressure can be known from the manufacturer’s handbook.…

11 Jobs You Can Start at Home

An increasing number of people are quitting the 9 to 5 and staring their own businesses that they can run from the comfort of their own home. This is understandable because it can provide flexibility, a better work-life balance and reduce stress. There are also many good options for ways to make money from home. Here are eleven of them: 1. Virtual Assistant A virtual assistant is responsible for helping individuals and businesses with admin and organization services remotely. The tasks can vary drastically but can easily be completed from home with an internet connection 2.…