Three Space Saving Ideas for the Office

Office design has now become synonymous with things like egg chairs, ping-pong tables, and arcade machines. While this may be fine for multi-billion dollar companies like Google and Facebook, the majority of us would appreciate it if our office simply made the best use of its real estate. Here is three ways you can start saving space.

Compact office space

Think Vertically

If you look around, you will notice a growing trend in our urban landscapes: we now have to build upwards rather than outwards. By taking inspiration from this and incorporating it into your own office, you might be surprised at the difference it could make. The simplest way to do this is to hang shelving on multiple levels. Not only will this limit the occasions you’re left stuffing extra ring binders into gaps that are not big enough, it can also be very pleasing to the eye.

Switch to Sliding Doors

Sliding doors are becoming more popular in offices, especially where saving space is a priority. As they work without a hinge, you do not need to worry about the extra space required to compensate for the arc of the door swing. Pocket door kits, available from suppliers such as Barrier Components, can be customised to suit different size requirements. They also provide a sleek and minimal look that will fit in perfectly with a modern office.

A simple glass finish maximises the room’s natural light, which is long-time favourite for interior designers aiming to make a room appear larger than it really is. A recent study even found that natural light improves office productivity.

Modern Technology

Another way to save space around the office is by switching to modern technology solutions such as cloud-based servers to house your files. Instead of dedicating a space in your office as server space, running your business IT on off-premise servers save plenty of space – and maintenance costs.

Storing your data in the cloud also offers you a more convenient way to access the documents you need as well as practical, real-world benefits. For instance, a typical eighteen-inch, three-drawer filing cabinet holds around 125,000 sheets of paper. If all of those files were converted into electronic documents and storing it in cloud storage space, it would only take up around 2.5GB of data. When you consider that most online storage plans for businesses start at a minimum of 1TB–that’s 1,000GB–you could be making huge savings in space.


Real estate prices are going through the roof right now, especially in large cities like London. It’s a significant investment for any small business and expanding likely isn’t an option so make sure you make the most of what you have.

With that said, instead of spending so much on acquiring spacious office space that quite possibly you don’t need right now, it’s better to optimize the usage of it and allocate the capital to more important aspects of your business, such as marketing and business development.