AI and You: How to Stay Relevant in the Age of Automation

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it’s a stark reality reshaping industries and job roles across the globe. As AI continues to advance, the pressing question for many professionals is not whether their jobs will be affected, but rather how they can adapt to remain relevant. Surveys and studies provide compelling insights into how AI is expected to transform the workforce. For instance, a recent McKinsey Global Survey revealed that three-quarters of respondents anticipate significant or disruptive changes due to generative AI in their industries within the next three years.…

Overcoming Burnout: Solopreneurs Need to Learn the Art of Automation

The life of a solopreneur is a constant juggling act. There’s only one person running the show, so everything falls on you—from creating the product itself, to marketing and advertising it. If you want your business to succeed, you need to jump at every opportunity to grow. But there are only so many hours in a day, and you’re already working long nights. It’s no wonder so many solopreneurs struggle with burnout. You can’t “work less” or your idea won’t get off the ground.…

Using Robotics To Automate Some Restaurant Duties

For quite some time now, waiter robots have been considered as a possible solution to restaurant automation. The world over, robotics technology is replacing manual work at a fast pace. Customers in cafés, restaurants and hotels face a lot of problems due to congestion at peak hours, manual order processing and unavailability of waiters. According to POSQuote, these shortcomings can be handled by using a restaurant automation system where robotics is utilized to order food and beverages. How Would It Work?…