How many times have you worked for an administrator who never seemed to know exactly how to communicate what needed to be done or never seemed to really hear what you were saying? Their minds seemed to be somewhere else. Perhaps they were thinking of everything they needed to do or perhaps they had never learned to stay on task. This could easily have been resolved if they had taken the time to get a masters in project and program management degree because those skills can be learned.
Whether you take an online MSMPP program or study on campus, these are skills every business administrator should have.
1. Verbal and Written Communications
One of the most important skills required of an effective administrator is to have excellent communications skills, both written and verbal. When you are striving toward a project and program management degree, it will become evident if you are lacking in this department. Always work on getting your point across clearly so that your employees know what to do and when. From communicating in-house to communicating with clients and suppliers, nothing is more important than written and verbal communications.
2. Good Listening Skills
Being able to really hear what someone is saying is vital for managers. Not only will you need to hear what an employee is saying related to the task at hand, but personal issues may arise which only you can deal with. If you don’t hear what that person is saying, entire jobs can be delayed until issues are resolved. For example, an employee is explaining about sub-standard building materials, but you are understanding that there is a need for more materials rather than better quality materials. So, you order more, costing the company money and losing additional money on a job, which then was delayed. Listening skills are a vital component of being an effective manager.
3. Well Organized
Your organizational skills must be superior as well. Nothing is as costly to a company as a lack of organization. From project management apps like MS-Project to Evernote, there are a number of digital apps that make getting and staying organized easy. Don’t lose money because you can’t stay on task.
4. Adept in Stress and Conflict Management
One of the duties many managers and administrators are unprepared for is in handling stressful situations on the job. It is vital to be adept at stress and conflict management. Whether you have employees battling it out on the floor or clients who are driving you insane, an effective administrator is able to calmly deal with the situation at hand. Staying calm and collected isn’t always an easy undertaking, but you can learn effective ways to resolve conflicts without losing your composure.
These skills are the bare bones minimum of skills every administrator or manager should have. Fortunately, they are all skills you can learn, but you will need to work at them. Remember, conflicts will arise from time to time, employees will need you to really hear what they are saying, and it is vital to be organized enough to stay on task. Master these skills and you are on your way to being an effective administrator.