The Bad Behavior of Entrepreneurs

The entrepreneurial spirit is an indelible part of the fabric of capitalism. Come on: Henry Ford? Steve Jobs? What is it about these giants who become tycoons that gave them the ability to turn an idea into a global phenomenon? It’s a question that sits and burns in the back of the mind of everyone with a great idea, and everyone who wants to be their own boss. It has to start with a harsh truth, though – entrepreneurship is not for everyone.…

Four New Technologies That Are Going to Change The Face of Business

Throughout all of history, from the information revolution, the digital revolution, the industrial revolution, the agricultural revolution and back even further, the edge in business was always gained by technological advances – from sharper sticks and rounder wheels to modern multicore processors and wireless broadband. With the pace of technological growth ever increasing, a whole new set of devices look set to shift the way we do business. Here, we take a look at four of the most revolutionary: 1. Wireless power [ted id=619] One of the oldest ‘new’ technologies, wireless electricity was first proposed and prototyped by legendarily eccentric genius Nikola Tesla all the way back at the turn of the century – it’s just that it’s taken the rest of us the better part of a hundred years for the rest of the world to catch up.…

6 Ways to Get Business Teams to Use Your CRM

Customer relationship management systems are very valuable tools. They grow more valuable the larger a business is. Getting a business team to adopt your CRM can still be a challenge. In many cases the challenge stems from their lack of awareness about the benefits it provides. The following are six ways to encourage business teams to use your CRM. 1. Promotion of Benefit The simplest way to market CRM to business teams is to outline the benefits your CRM can offer them.…

4 Ingenious Outdoor Ads that Show the Power of Advertising

Advertising affects us all in different ways. Some people are happy to openly admit the power it has over them and will freely state that certain adverts make them want to buy certain products, whist others are affected more subtly as the advertising lingers inside their head without them knowing. However, whichever category you would place yourself in, we are all becoming much more aware of marketing, how it works and the tactics that are used to make us buy specific products.…

DDoS Attacks: How to Protect Your Business

As malicious hackers get increasingly sophisticated, business owners are having to pay even closer attention to their cyber security strategy. If you own your own business, you should be thinking about how to protect against ever more frequent DDoS attacks and also considering plans for a cyber incident response. A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is one in which a hacker floods a website with bogus traffic from various sources, causing services on that website to stop working for genuine users or even bringing the website down completely.…

Become an Ethical Hacker with Ethical Hacking Certifications

What is ethical hacking certification? The objective of ethical hacking certification from Selftest Training is to help people ace a moral hacking strategy that could be utilized within an infiltration testing or moral hacking circumstance. You go out the entryway with hacking abilities that are sought after, and also the globally distinguished Certified Ethical Hacker v8 certificate! Topics for the exam: Themes Covered in this course are as follows: Prologue to Ethical Hacking Foot printing and Reconnaissance Checking Networks Specification Framework Hacking Trojans and Backdoors Infections and Worms Sniffers Social Engineering Dissent of Service Session Hijacking Hacking Web servers Hacking Web Applications SQL Injection Hacking Wireless Networks Hacking Mobile Platforms Sidestepping IDS, Firewalls and Honey pots Support Overflows Cryptography Entrance Testing Who will get benefit from this certification?…

5 Tips to Help You Chose the Right Document Storage Company

In this 21st century, courts have adapted to change in certain circumstances that are only accepting emails and other electronic forms of documents and from there the document storage becomes an important part of today’s digital organization. The word technology plays an important role in the business and organization. It keeps document as furnished evidence or information whereas storage remains a top priority in IT budgets, because of the integrity, availability, and protection of the document to business productivity can help us to choose the right document Storage Company.…

Developing Your Marketing Efforts In 2014

Internet marketing is one of the fastest-growing ways to conduct business in the world today due to its availability and accessibility to millions of people across the globe. Many businesses feel the need to be online, however many of them may not fully understand the importance of a well. Internet marketing isn’t simply about putting your brochures in electronic form on the internet. A common mistake that a business makes — because they just want to be online quickly — is to treat the internet simply as an advertising medium.…

Effective Business Management Techniques: The Two Approaches

Management in business refers to the coordinated effort of people, resources and procedures in order to attain the main purpose of a business. This essentially means that an organization’s objectives are accomplished by combining several factors. It is only through proper management of these factors that a business’s objectives can be met. Basically there are two approaches to management, one is the use of traditional tactics and the other is the use of modern tactics. The traditional approach is no longer effective, as its main focus points are not enough to make a business competitive today.…

Accounting Tips for Small Businesses

When the topic turns to keeping accurate records, a small business benefits from modern technology. Business owners today no longer need to rely on handwritten ledgers and human errors. Accounting software helps the modern entrepreneur keep accurate records. Tax calculators are invaluable. Keeping meticulous logs of account payables and receivables means that the business owners can file taxes with 100 percent accuracy. Since the tax season is fast approaching, business entrepreneurs benefit from accounting software programs that make accurate accounting a quick and easy process.…