The humble thank you letter is an underrated part of personal and business correspondence. The right letter can turn a critic into a brand advocate and create dedicated lifelong fans for your business. But with so much junk filling up our customer’s mailboxes, it can be a challenge just to get noticed, let alone taken seriously, which is the whole point of a thank you letter.
Thankfully, engraved business stationery exudes a warmth and dignity makes it easy to send your customers thank you letters that they will actually take seriously. Here are just a few reasons why you’d want to use engraved stationery for your thank you letters and other correspondences:
1. Engraved stationery makes the right kind of impact
Engraved envelopes and letterhead will almost certainly make a huge impact on your recipient – and in a good way. Other types of business mail might get noticed because of their bright colors and snazzy designs, but recipients will always be more intrigued by the contents of an engraved envelope. The classic handmade look of an engraved envelope or letterhead is just enough to catch and hold someone’s attention without appearing obnoxious.
2. Recipients won’t throw them away
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to the mail you receive. We don’t really send anyone personal letters these days, and if we’re not getting bills, the mail we are getting probably falls under the unwelcome category of direct mail.
But while it’s normal for most of us to throw most kinds of direct mail right in the trash as soon as we get them, it’s hard to imagine anyone throwing away a letter printed on engraved stationery. We instinctively know that engraved stationery is more valuable, and we’re more likely to actually read the contents. In the context of a thank you letter, this is extremely important, as it demonstrates the sincerity of the sender.

3. It puts a human face on the sender
The phrase “nothing personal, it’s just business” often leaves a bad taste in our mouths, even if we all know that the world of business today has become rather soulless and impersonal. As a result of this ethos, we don’t really trust what most businesses say, especially when the message is delivered through a cold medium, such as emails and cookie-cutter, mass-printed business mail.
The Old World look of engraved stationery, however, harkens back to an era before impersonal correspondences became the norm. We can readily see the human elements involved in the craftsmanship of creating engraved stationery, and we immediately associate this with whoever sent the letter. This human factor can be critical when it comes to earning the trust of the recipient. If you want to thank someone for their patronage or their feedback, having that trust can be incredibly important if you want them to continue doing business with you.
Engraved stationery is certainly making a comeback, not just for personal correspondences, but as standard business stationery for enterprises of all sizes. While not absolutely necessary for all your businesses mail, it’s handy to keep custom stationery for special occasions, or when you want to emphasize the human face of your business.