Mistakes to Avoid When Selling a Business

It may well have gotten to the stage in your life that you decide to sell your business. However, you do not want to fall into a common trap of making a crucial mistake that causes you untold headaches along the way.

So, with this in mind, let’s check out a few of the main mistakes you should avoid when selling a company. Doing so will help to ensure that you do not get less for your business than you deserve or simply end up selling to the wrong buyer.

Selling a business

Not Preparing Properly

If you rush into the sale with no proper preparation, it will be more than likely that you will experience headaches along the way. These could come in the form of legal difficulties or issues with putting together the contract. It could also mean that you are more likely to end up selling to someone you are unhappy with. Another possibility is that you struggle with getting the price you initially wanted to achieve.

Failing to Seek the Right Support

You will also want to take the time to ensure that you get the proper support with your sale. For instance, say you operate an accounting company, and you wish to sell it; in that case, seeking help could mean getting the assistance of accountancy firm specialists, such as Poe Group Advisors – who can help with the sales process and ensure that you get the right price as well as the right buyer for your firm.

Otherwise, it could be that you are seeking advice on a more informal basis from a business associate that you already know who has been through the whole business sale process in days gone by. Whatever the case, failing to get support could mean the difference between a long, stressful sale (or a sale that never happens), or a quick, hassle-free process in which you get the price you are looking for – as well as a suitable buyer.

Spending Too Long Negotiating

While you will want to be able to sell your business for the best price possible, you don’t want to spend too long negotiating the deal. Otherwise, it will be all too easy to end up in a situation where you lose the buyer’s interest and have to start all over again.

Selling your business


Not Getting the Business in a Position of Sale

The final issue you could find yourself facing is simply not taking the time and opportunity to get the business in a position where you can successfully make a sale without too much dither and delay.

Overall, there are likely to be various hoops that you will need to jump through, and you do not want to wait any longer than you need to sell and transfer ownership. This also means getting all documentation ready, contracts drawn up and signed, and, of course, ensuring all legalities are taken care of under professionals, from brokers to lawyers.

Final Thoughts

Avoiding these common mistakes will mean you and your business will be in a stronger position when the time comes that you want to sell up. Plus, it could help you get the very best deal for your company.