Help – I am Having a Social Media Burnout!

Ah, social media… the new hangout place for individuals and businesses alike. It’s fun, engaging and often weird; but regardless of all the ‘upsides’ of social media, I just can’t stand it anymore: I’m having a social media burnout! I am not a highly sociable person; my personal Facebook account was so, so quiet. Twitter? I don’t actually have a personal account! The problem is, in my line of business, I was supposed to have many social media accounts – mostly for business purpose.…

Top 5 Air New Zealand’s Safety Videos: Smart Brand Marketing Campaign in Action

Kia Ora! Want some inspirations in how to do proper brand marketing for your small business via videos? Learn from Air New Zealand, NZ’s national airline and flag carrier. Their reputation is world-known – it’s probably due to their infamous, far-from-boring flight safety videos, worth talking on socialsphere. If you are not sure about what I am talking about, I recommend you to view these videos and decide yourself whether they deserve Air New Zealand’s YouTube Channel‘s 13,000+ subscribers and 23,000,000+ video views or not… 1.…

What a Smartphone and QR Code can Offer Your Retail Store: Learn from Homeplus Virtual Store

Okay, okay – you might answer “it’s easy, you moron! Scan a QR Code and you’ll get the retail store’s contact info, web address or special promo” Well, you are right – but that’s what MOST stores incorporating QR codes do. Homeplus is an example of a company which takes things a few steps further (or closer?) Read on to find out… If you want breakthrough to your small business, you should go for the mainstream ways. You should do things differently.…

Why You should Have a Mobile App for Your Small Business and How to Build One

As a small business owner, you should always find a way to make your business easier to be found by customers. One of the best ways to do it is via a mobile app developed specifically for your small biz. Sure, brochures, flyers, and swags still work out pretty well, but they are somewhat losing their effectiveness. Why? Because the trends say that you need to deliver your messages in the most convenient ways for your customers and prospects. Having a website is a must.…

Are You Preparing Yourself for Failure?

Nobody likes failing. Even the world’s most ambitious entrepreneurs don’t like failing; they do embrace failures, but successes still taste better. But how can they embrace failure? One answer: They know they have a good chance of failing; they prepare for failing. Entrepreneurship is all about failing over and over again until you find success. Entrepreneurship is all about failing enough times so that you can be successful. Another answer: They know that when they fail, they are one step closer to their goals.…

Play Soccer, Generate Energy: Why SOCCKET is a Social Entrepreneurial Project to Watch

Are you looking for the next big thing that can offer people a way to enjoy their passion while changing their life? Are you looking for a revolutionary social-conscious startup to invest in? SOCCKET might be the answer for you. Kickstarter remains one of my main sources for ideas and inspirations. There are simple, yet innovative ideas that are potentially life-hacking; or simply quirky products worth talking about (like this one.) This time, my attention was grabbed by a much-buzzed crowdfunding project – SOCCKET.…

How I Failed My Authority Business Blog: 7 Lessons Learned

Failure is the best teacher. I embrace it as a part of my entrepreneurial journey, but some failures are difficult to overcome. One of them is how I single-handedly bring my authority business blog down to the ground. Lessons learned, and if you are going to build an authority business blog – or even already have an established one, be sure you read this blog post before it’s all too late. As you might have already known, Biz Penguin is not my first blog.…

Small Business, Big Impact: Why Small Biz Rules?

I just left a comment on an interesting discussion on LinkedIn. Here’s the big question raised in the discussion: Is the term “small business” degrading? Why small biz owners make a fuss over the term and why I finally leave a comment on the discussion, although I didn’t have the intention in doing so, initially? I’ve written about this several years ago on my other small business blog, and I just realized how time has changed my mindset and perspective. I was considering the term small business to be degrading.…

20 Small Business Survey Results You Should Be Aware Of In 2013

I love stats, particularly survey results and research findings. Let’s just say I am a geek when it comes to stats. Not because I like number-crunching activities, but it’s because stats can give us a general idea on the trends; where things are heading and which things we should be aware of throughout the year – including biz opportunities emerging from the trends. With regard to small business, there are some mix feelings toward it: Some are pessimistic – and the survey results show; some are optimistic – and, again, the survey results show.…

Don’t Take Things for Granted and be Grateful for Your Business

Do you appreciate the success you enjoy right now? Are you grateful for the ups and downs you experience in your entrepreneurial journey? If you don’t, then I suggest that you should learn to be appreciative, for better or worse. Why? Read on… Do you know the worst feeling you can have when running a business? That’s right – failing. Not necessarily going out of business, but a decline in sales and market share is enough to keep you awake during the night, not mentioning occasional nightmares.…