5 Practical Tips on Reducing Startup Failure Risks

This question must be in every entrepreneur’s mind: How to reduce my startup’s failure risks? It’s a common question popping out of your mind (if this is not on your mind, well, it should!) and it’s the number one concern of every entrepreneur. Well, no worries – because from this blog post I would like to offer you some practical tips on how to reduce your startup failure risks. We do know that startups are prone to failure. It’s a no brainer.…

5 Free Web Apps for Your Small Business Event Promotion

You have this great idea to gather like-minded local small business owners in a big melting pot in which people can network, share industry-specific information and even form business partnership. You have everything ready, and your next step would be to let people know about your events. I understand that it’s often challenging to get the words out about your small business event; no worries, this blog post will show you some web applications you can use to promote, even create your events, online.…

5 Go-to Sites for Unique Startup Ideas

I love business ideas – especially those which are changing life and/or lucrative. I might even interested in turning one or two into a startup! The big question is, where to look for great entrepreneurial ideas? This blog post will spotlight 5 sites you must visit for startup ideas. Check ’em out! 1. Springwise Springwise is my long-time favourite. The site receives help from Springspotters Network, a vibrant community with over 15,000 spotters worldwide, who tip and pitch Springwise with great, unique ideas they spot in where they live.…

5 Reasons Why Doing What Others Do Turns You Into a Small Business Zombie

I’m sure you have heard this advice: Follow the best practices. I’m not a believer in that advice. For me, do things others don’t; if you can’t, just copy the best practices and be sure to make them your own. Why am I such a rebel? The answer to that question is simple: Doing what others do kills your creativity. And if your creativity dies you are becoming a zombie of the business world: Wandering around places, clueless. You are becoming resistant to changes and you won’t notice the wind of change that will help you navigate your small business ship.…

How to Fake Your Way to Online Business Success

I always love reading business blogs whose bloggers post income report every month. Why? They give me carrots to chase; dream to pursue; a future to hope for. I believe it’s possible to be like them – even try to do better than them. However some people just do it wrong: They want shortcuts. And just like anything else in life, shortcuts come with risks. Did you know why roads on mountains have so many turns? Well, if you made them a straight line, it would be too steep; no vehicle will be able to “climb” the steep road.…

How Many More Scammers Will You Trust for Business Advice?

No, this blog post is not about my rant how someone tricks me into believing him/her. Instead, this blog post is about how I choose to follow the entrepreneurial journey of only a select few of entrepreneurs – so you don’t have to trust the wrong person for business advice. Interested in finding the right business mentor? Let’s read on! First thing first: Why you need a business mentor Good business mentors can share you their know-how about the industry; about the nitty-gritty of running a business; about the lifestyle; about the expectations; about everything, really.…

How to Start a Successful Business Blog and Enjoy Your Financial Independence

I’m sure you have read about my tips on how to establish an authority business blog… well, if you haven’t you might want to read that first because it will give you a reason or two why you should build a business blog – not just a biz blog, but a reputable and authoritative one. But no worries – you can always do so later on (promise me you will read that, will ya?) Now, let’s assume you are reading this blog post because you want for your business blog to support your living expenses – even better – give you financial independence.…

Top 10 Tips on How to Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Project

Entrepreneurs: Learn why you should tap into the $4 billion U.S. crowdfunding market and how to actually launch a successful crowdfunding project. Headaches in raising capital for your small business and startup? Try crowdfunding. Entrepreneurs have proven that it can give you competitive amount of funding vs. other funding sources, and the market will continue to grow significantly, according to a recent paper released in January 2013. Conducted by Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership at UC Berkeley College of Engineering, the research indicates that the U.S.…

The Most Challenging Small Businesses to Start (Yet People are Still Starting Them!)

Have you ever wondered why entrepreneurs keep on starting similar small businesses, even though the chances for success is slim? That’s right – the answer would be passion and potential. Entrepreneurs are “betting” their future on their small business, working hard to get theirs afloat. Some make it, some don’t. This is shown in stats, as follow… 40 percent of small businesses are profitable, 30 percent are breaking-even and 30 percent are losing money. Let’s just say that you chance for building a thriving small business is just 40 percent.…

20 Cloud Tools I Use for Running My Business (Plus 1,000s More!)

What I initially seek in online entrepreneurship is freedom. No, I don’t want to make millions of dollar while retiring to the beach, doing nothing everyday – that would be boring 🙂 Instead, I want to build my business around my life, not the other way around. The growing popularity of cloud-based tools has made that possible; I have more choice of tools than ever. Did you know what’s wonderful with all the cloud-based tools? That’s right – they allow me to work from my laptop, tablet PC and/or smartphone; and yes, I can work anytime I need to, anywhere I go.…