When you decide to invest in precious metals, you’re really investing in an asset class as old as civilisation as we know it. But these ancient means of wealth can actually play an important role in your modern investment portfolio.
Let’s take a look at why exactly buying physical gold assets is a very smart investment indeed.
1. Buying power
The supply of gold is basically finite. That explains why gold’s relative purchasing power has remained stable during even the most historical of inflationary times.…
It is often said that if you want to be successful in a specific area in your life, one way to achieve this goal more quickly is to study those who are already where you want to be. This helps you learn exactly what you need to do in order to succeed while also giving you the information necessary to avoid some of the most common mistakes that others in that area tend to make.
With this in mind, if your objective is to reach even higher levels of business-related success than you already have, there are many great people to look to who can help you work your way to the top of your field or industry.…
Being self-employed is freeing, but it is definitely different from the usual 9 to 5 routine. If you’ve recently become self-employed, then you might have found yourself looking up local licensing and permit laws, but what about insurance?
You might be considering a general business insurance policy, but did you know there are other forms of insurance you should have if you are self-employed? In this article, we’re going to highlight the top five kinds of insurance for the self-employed. Read on.…
Chequebooks are seldom seen in society today, with the convenience of contactless cards taking over by and large. There were only a total of 405 million cheques processed in the UK in 2018, down from over 4 billion in 1990!
This is largely by design, as many banks choose to phase out chequebooks entirely by introducing a number of hurdles that didn’t exist before. This means that those who still rely on using cheques to pay their bills are being forced to adapt to survive, but online banking is not the complicated experience it once was.…
Just as people have role models they look up to and want to be like, small brands have bigger brands that have attained the heights they desire to reach someday.
Every brand aims at generating sales, increasing their conversion rates, and building their brand reputation. Growing a brand can be quite tasking and exhilarating, as businesses don’t survive on just luck. This increases the need to learn from others who have been there.
One lesson to pick from big brands is treating your employees rightly.…
Starting a business can be both exciting and overwhelming. When you are trying to figure out how to balance all the responsibilities that come with being a small business owner, hiring business law attorneys can help. Professional legal counsel can improve your success in a variety of ways.
Incorporating Your Business
At some point, you may be interested in having your business legally designated as a corporation. Incorporation has many benefits. Corporations are easier to buy and sell. It is also easier to raise capital for a business that has been incorporated.…
As the time to file your 2018 taxes looms closer, you may be feeling the stress of having to learn some of the new tax laws that were created and signed into law by the Trump Administration in 2017. Knowing whether to file jointly with your spouse or individually or how to claim medical expenses for the year can be confusing when new laws take effect. However, making a list of questions for your tax accountant before you submit your information can give you peace of mind that you are following the reform’s guidelines properly.…
Developing the product or service for your business is just the start of your entrepreneurial journey. The next step is to find ways to promote your brand and let your target market know what you have to offer. Fortunately, gone are the “Mad Men” days where you need to set aside a fortune to launch a marketing campaign.
These days, your marketing budget can just be a fraction of the cost of traditional campaigns. Using different technologies and best marketing practices, you can launch your brand successfully without breaking the bank.…
The U.S. jobs had released a report in July 2017, that revealed around 19% of people aged 65+ were working at least working part-time during the second quarter of 2017. This recording of employment to population ratio is the highest it’s been in 55 years. On top of that, the Labor Department’s good employment report has recently records that the number of individuals aged over 85 who are still working is also increasing.
If you’re an employer in the US, then there is a very good chance that there’ll be at least one elderly citizen within your workplace.…
Online advertisement and digital platforms are booming with activity and developments in our digital world… and everyone wants a slice of it. But is print advertising becoming a marketing activity of days gone by or, can it pave a new way of aligning with digital methods? With plenty of research provided by experts, here’s our guide to offer a new perspective on the relationship between print and digital.
Digital: a big influence on modern marketing campaigns
Many campaigns today are lost without digital.…