How to Choose the Right Business Consultant?

As a business owner, you need to have a wide range of knowledge and skills in order to achieve your goals and maintain a competitive edge. While it can be exciting and rewarding to become an independent risk-taker, you may need outside help at some point or other. In some situations, hiring a business consultant may be the most sensible thing to do, especially if you are unfamiliar with a certain business situation. When you are choosing a business consultant, you need to look for certain qualities to ensure that you make the right choice.…

Silver Success: the Business Lowdown for Senior Entrepreneurs

Seniors are one of the hottest demographics in small business right now; over a quarter of all new businesses were started by someone over 55, and half of all small businesses are owned by someone between the ages of 50 and 88. It’s not hard to see why seniors succeed: they’re often more financially stable, have solid contacts from their years in the workplace, have more experience and are better able to approach the variations of the business world with a level head.…

6 Signs Your Blog is Just a Hobby (and How to turn it into an Actual Business)

If you’ve been blogging for a while now, you’ve probably entertained the thought of turning it into a real career and business. But do you have what it takes to kick it up a notch? Ask yourself a few questions before you quit your full-time job to focus on turning your blog into a business. Do you post chaotically, whenever you find a few spare moments? Do you use a generic email address for your blog? Do you pay little to no attention to analytics?…

4 Easy Ways to Improve Bounce Rates

Engaging viewers with content is the purpose of almost all websites, but a high bounce rate means that while people are visiting your site, they are not being drawn in. There could be many reasons for this, some of which are easy to fix as long as they are identified. So, what can you do to improve the bounce rate of your website? 1. Maximise Mobile Accessibility In today’s world, the number of people who choose to access the internet through a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet, is constantly increasing.…

SEO for Beginners: The 3 Most Important Aspects of Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has garnered a lot of attention recently as Google and other search engines have increased the complexity of their algorithm. For most businesses, the change has been relatively minor – just one more update in an unending pile of them – but for companies that want to succeed in the online market, these changes are profound. For those not aware, Google’s search engine basically matches up keywords within websites to search queries. A decade ago, that was the level of sophistication of all search engines and companies could stuff their homepages with keywords to attract the attention of these search engines.…

Company Car Loans for Low Credit Scores

If you have a low credit score, buying a car doesn’t have to be something to dread. The primary difference between you and someone with fair or good credit is that you’ll spend more time shopping around to secure a good deal. Before you even start the search at a dealership, there are a few things you can do to prepare for the search; these things help place you in the best position. You’ll learn that it’s quite possible to refinance an auto loan with bad credit when you’re upside down, and that a low FICO score needn’t land you an unfavorable loan.…

The Benefits of Offering Employees Free Financial Education

Employers can make their workers feel like a valued part of a corporate family by offering perks above and beyond their weekly paycheck. One potentially effective and attractive perk is a free financial education. If done correctly, it can help a worker make the most of his or her hourly pay or yearly salary. Employees Learn the Value of Saving for Retirement Employers that offer a 401k may find that eligible employees don’t always take part in the program. They may also find that eligible employees don’t always make the maximum contribution each pay period.…

Why Social Media for SME Businesses is Not a Gold Mine

Everywhere you look online, there is discussion on the magnificence and potency of social media. There are renowned authors churning out books on how to use social media for businesses. There are also self-acclaimed experts showing off their “achievements” with case studies of businesses that they helped to achieve “success” using social media. This picture is enough to make small business owners grow a fixation for social media marketing. But it is not all fine and dandy. This survey showed that over 60% of businesses haven’t seen any return on investments on the social media activities.…

5 Tips to Get a New Credit Card

Applying for a credit card is never really an easy process, yet it’s very exciting and something that we look forward to when our approval letter comes in the mail. Some people think that getting a new card is all about getting lucky. This is far from the truth. Credit card companies pay attention to the numbers. So, if you know what these companies are actually looking for, you can definitely put the odds in your favor and have a much better chance at getting approved for the card of your choice.…

4 Reasons to Hire Credit Repair Services

If you have a bad credit history, it will have a negative impact on the interest rates that you end up paying on credit cards, mortgages, car loans, home equity loans, business loans, and much more. But that’s not all, because it can even have an impact on your ability to qualify for a particular job, your insurance rates, and other areas of your life that don’t specifically have anything to do with credit. It makes sense to repair your credit if you are suffering from a low or poor credit score.…